Preston started preschool. He's doing the same thing we did with Gavin, a co-op preschool with other moms/kids from the ward. Preston has been talking about this for-EV-er and he's so happy he finally gets to go to "school!"
Three things- 1. He insisted his collar be up, like a vampire. 2. His smile, so forced. 3. He's almost looking into the camera.
Blake got his cast off!
Brooklyn got new glasses. She has been wearing contacts for over a year now, but since she got these glasses, she has worn them every day. The chunky black plastic frames are "in" right now.
Hayden visited the cardiologist. Like I said earlier, we got a referral to a cardiologist to check out Hayden's heart murmur, just to make sure it wasn't associated with her fevers. The cardiologist assured us that it was just an innocent murmur and shouldn't have any effect on her whatsoever! Huge sigh of relief!!
I started running again!!! And I registered for my second 1/2 marathon in March- eek!!!!! I never thought I would say this, but I truly missed running! And who woulda thought I'd ever do ONE 1/2 marathon, let alone TWO?!
Hayden figured out how to climb out of her crib. Sad day. For now, she only climbs out when she wakes up in the morning or from nap. I will tent her in, if I have to.... She's such a good sleeper, I'm not ready to give up naps. Or my sanity.
We visited the dentist!! Almost escaped, but Preston has ANOTHER cavity!! Darn LeBaron teeth!
Brooklyn did a QCHS pom & cheer camp. She got to perform a few cheers and a dance at halftime of a football game. So fun to see her out there!
she's right in the middle behind the cheerleader
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Brooklyn & Kaitlin Curtin |
Misc cell phone pictures to wrap it up-
Hayden & Gavin after church
I put cumin instead of cinnamon in the French toast batter. Mexi-toast, anyone?
Gavin & Spencer~ twinners on dress down day!
Hayden got sick- AGAIN!!! Fever, bronchitis and an ear infection!!
Blake will be 11 years old in February and I haven't sewn a darn patch on his scout shirt!! So Matt took it upon himself to sew a few on!