Friday, May 31, 2013

May Instagram

My big helper and his little cart! #watchyourheels #notreadyforadriverslicenseyet

Hawaiian day at school today! #spiritweek

CrAzY hAiR dAy #spirit week

Homemade pizza and smoothies #dinnertonight

Proudly showing off his culture fair report! #ipraymykidsdontinheritmyprocrastinationgene #uptoolate #mattsangthenationalanthem #meandgavcouldntstoplaughing #brazil

Late night ice cream run with Daddy.

Pao de queijo first thing this morning.  #culturefairsamples #brazil

Park day! #prettygirl #shehasnofear

Fun with glow sticks. #justbecause

Sitting in the diaper drawer, reading a book or ten. #messmaker #shethinkssherulesthisplace

This little devil decided to hitch a ride on my mirror and hung on for dear life for 5 miles or so!  I was afraid to get out of my car!!!

Perfect way to end the day with my honey. #wardtemplenight #standinholyplaces

My greatest blessings #hardestjob #soworthit #mothersday2013

This is how we brusha brusha. #shelaysrightdown #yesherarmsarepinnedundermylegs #singABC

Found a perfect shirt for Blake. #justaregulargenius #smartkidproblems #hekeepsmeonmytoes

We have arrived at *THIS* stage.  Joy. 
#throwsherselfgentlytothefloor #tantrums #dramaprincess

Matt took the kids to see cousin Emily in her play today.

She got her cuppa ice from Grandma LeBaron's! 
#keepingcool #weonlylovegrandmaforherice

Stocking up on summer reading for the kids! #bookworms #staysmart #thankyouamazon

Quite possibly the BEST banana muffin I've ever had!!!

A little morning exercise. #riseandshine #goodmorningsister

Pretty perfect stack of pancakes, if I do say so myself! #breakfastfordinner

Last day of school!!!!!!!!!! #hallelujah #bigsmilesallaround

This is happening RIGHT NOW!! #dugoutsuite #companyperks #azdbacks

Cleaning the church building this fine Saturday morning. #mighthavebribedthemwithdonuts

She figured out a little splashing in the [unflushed] toilet gets her an immediate trip to her favorite place! #stinkinboysneverflush #splishsplash #bigtoddlerbelly

This little footprint is in my kitchen sink. #makesmesmile #staylittleforever

She cleaned her plate tonight!! #yumyum #alldone #smallbutmighty

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Time for a little celebrating!!

Gavin's baseball season wrapped up mid-May and unfortunately, he had to miss his last game due to testing positive strep.  He definitely improved a lot this season!  The team had a little party/family barbeque to celebrate a good season and hand out trophies.

We decided to focus on having our kids be more confident in their swimming abilities and since Preston isn't in school, he got to get a head start on swimming lessons. :)  We were really impressed with the lessons Gavin had a few years ago so we got Preston all signed up for lessons thru Suzy's Swim & Fitness Zone, which is located in a neighborhood not too far from us.  Preston had Coach Sean as his teacher and I was amazed how fast Preston caught on!  He's always been very courageous in the water so it's good that he's really learning how to swim.  We were able to squeeze in two two-week sessions before the big kids were out of school.

1st session~
Sister was happy as long as I kept a steady supply of snacks coming!

This is on the 7th day of swim lessons!!

Going down the slide on the last day of class
A little treat to celebrate!

2nd session~

And one week later...

We're taking a little break from lessons until mid-June, then he'll be enrolled in one more session with Coach Sean and then a "for fun" class at the Apache Junction pool. :)  He's going to be a Mexi-child by the time summer is over!


School's OUT for the SuMMeR!!!!  It's always a huge sigh of relief to reach the end of another school year!  No more early mornings, no more packing lunches.  No more homework battles, working on book reports the night before they're due.  All the kids did very well this year.

A little comparison from first day to the last day~

Brooklyn & Ms. Copeland
Blake & Mrs. Terpay
Gavin & Mrs. Wells
And this sweet Gav..... is a smarty pants!!!  He got straight A's all year, never missed a spelling word and tested in to the gifted program for next year.  He took the CogAT and in order to qualify, you have to score at least 97% in one of the areas.  Gavin scored 97% on verbal reasoning, 99% on quantitative reasoning and 98% on nonverbal reasoning, which is an average of 99% overall and that puts him in the top 1% in the nation for kids his age!!!  He's so quiet and just does his thing!  He recently told Matt, "Dad, I'm the smartest kid in my class."  haha!

It seems like our summer is extra short this year, only 9 weeks!  We better live it up before school starts back up on August 1st!!!


Derek & Kristin are currently out of town visiting her family in Wyoming so we got together with Jen & Dan + kids to swim in Derek & Kristin's pool for Memorial Day.  The water was freezing coooooooold so I mostly just dangled my legs in over the edge, but the kids played for awhile.

Diva baby!

We came home and had a delicious dinner of BBQ pulled pork sandwiches and strawberry short cake (angel food cake) for dessert!  Yum yum yummy!