Monday, May 13, 2013

Celebrating Mother's Day

Ahhhh, what to say about this day.

Matt didn't have his normal Sunday meetings so I was looking forward to sleeping in a little (as much as you can sleep in with 9am church and needing to get 5 kids presentable), but I was awoke at 6:30ish with breakfast in bed.  I peeked open an eye, mumbled "what time is it?" put the tray on my nightstand and promptly went back to sleep.  When I was ready to wake up, I looked at all the cute, homemade gifts and cards the kids made and took my food downstairs to warm up the stuff that was now cold. :)

After church, Matt gave me a new 50mm lens as a gift.  He had also gotten me a mother's ring for my birthday, which I just took a picture of.

I cooked dinner, took my annual pics with the kids, then we went to visit our moms to share the Mother's Day love.

Me and the crew

Just a fun picture as we were getting ready to leave~ Hayden loves hitching a ride on the plasma cars with a big bro or sis!

I love being a mom.  It's hard work and sometimes I don't *like* being stuck in the trenches of motherhood.  I feel like there is always a million things to do and I'm falling further and further behind.  I feel highly inadequate when people tell me I'm a good mom.  They may see the good side of things, but not when I yell and let my kids watch too much tv or just tell them to leave me alone for two seconds.  Or that my laundry is overflowing and there are dishes in the sink and crumbs all over the floor.  I know I'm not the only one that ever does these things, but mommy guilt gets to you!!   My kids are healthy and happy.  And cute. ;)  I'm so grateful that I have such good friends and sister-in-laws that I can commiserate with and look up to.  And my mom has been such a great example of giving her all to being a mom.  I'm grateful for the privilege I have of being a mom, as I know that it doesn't come easily for everyone.  I love my kids!!!

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