Friday, January 28, 2011

The HAPPS Around Here


I have SO much to say about this kid!!

In true toddler fashion, running is his main mode of transportation. Love it!

He named our humidifier Windy. He was devastated when Windy had to start sleeping in Brooklyn's room (instead of his) out of necessity.

He is currently training for his career with the circus. Or to be a gymnast in the 2024 Olympics. At any rate, he loves performing this "trick" by standing on Matt's push-up bars.He's mastered the art of pushing the chairs from the kitchen table up to the countertops so that he may reach whatever his heart desires. This morning he was after the cough drops. Eek!He has been requesting to "Sit on potty." We've obliged a few times and have been surprised with the results- 2 pees, 1 poop. Oooooh boy. I'm so not ready for this!He puts himself in time out. And cries and cries. Then comes to me and says, "Sorry Mom." Then goes along his merry little way! (I still can't get over the fact that my toddler simply calls me "Mom.")He drags around his "blankie doggie" (two separate items) with him everywhere, the doggie being the one he got when he was hospitalized with RSV at 3 weeks old, the one I belovingly dubbed his "watchdog." They come OUT of the crib with him in the morning, must be IN the crib for naptime and nighttime. He thinks they need to be with him in the car, at the store, etc. Sometimes I oblige....

He's always been good at playing alone or keeping himself entertained for long periods of time. I think it's part of his coping mechanisms. He treasures quiet time to himself without older siblings telling him what to do or a younger one crashing his Legos. I capitalize on this, especially while Preston is down for a nap, taking quiet time to myself to eat lunch, Facebook, blog-stalk, read a book, etc. But yesterday, I realized that time is running short before Gav will be going off to kindergarten and I need to get back to utilizing that quiet time WITH him. I got out Guess Who and we played a few rounds before we had to pick up the twins from school.
He won this one!Then we made silly faces for the camera (flattering, I know)
Last week, the house that preschool was at is just down the street from us. So I hitched up the bike trailer and rode Gavin and Preston down there for drop-off and pick-up. Gavin thought that was so cool to be transported by bike! Sometimes I wish there was someone standing by with a camera to catch moments like that.


Oh, sweet child of mine. We're having a few rough spots these days. Homework is a DAILY struggle. Tantrums up the ying-yang. It's not that he doesn't comprehend the work, he simply has a hard time focusing his attention for more than 30 seconds without being distracted. Something that honestly could take less than 30 minutes turns into a 2 hour battle and leaves both him and I upset with each other. Timed tests are a nightmare. He has to do x amount of subtraction problems in x amount of time and although he KNOWS these simple math facts and can rattle them off left and right, he hardly gets any finished under the time pressure. Consequently, his grades are slipping and this is SO hard for me to see because he is SUCH a smart kid!! With these issues combined with a few others, we're moving forward with having him officially evaluated for ADHD. I have the referral, I just need to call and set up an appointment.

But not all is gloom and doom with Blakey. :) He is still doing very well in karate. The routines that he has to do are getting more and more complicated, to the point that even *I* can't remember them once we get home! So in order to help him practice, I bring in a clipboard and write down each move with it's corresponding arm/leg so we can keep everything straight.

I don't think I ever mentioned that we added another dance class to her lineup, so that means we're at the studio twice a week now. Jazz on Monday, ballet on Friday. I'm getting to the point where I prefer just dropping her off rather than wrangle three {loud} boys in the small {crowded} waiting area for 45 minutes, but coming back home really only allows for 20 or so minutes before we have to turn around to go pick her up.She has a great imagination and writes the cutest little stories. I found one in her folder this week that made me remember a story I had written back when I was young (not sure what grade) about the same subject, riding horses. She told me a couple weeks back that she wants to take horse-riding lessons. I told her that there are SO many things that I want her to be able to do- dance, soccer, piano, swimming, base/softball, even horse-rising lessons, but we can't do everything at once.

The school just had auditions for the spring musical and she wanted to try out for a main part, but I kind of downplayed the whole thing, reminding her that there is only one female main character and suggested she just be part of the chorus this year. With all our other commitments (and having just registered for baseball), I don't want anything to conflict and we've been lucky thus far. I kinda felt like a bad mom for squashing her desires and I really DO wish we could participate in EVERYthing, but it's just not possible. I need my sanity!! I know both Brooklyn and Blake will be starting activity days & cub scouts after they turn 8 next week and I'm so excited that they will get to interact more with girls and boys from church, but that's just one. more. thing.


Half-marathon tomorrow. Is there even anything else???? I'm currently sporting an awesome black toenail, a characteristic I've heard has graced other long distance runners. How on Earth could I be so lucky????! Right now I'm trying to figure out exactly WHAT I'm going to carb-load on tonight for dinner. I've gotta pick up my race packet this afternoon, which will really make this all sink in. I need to lay out all my clothing and gear (making my mental list right now.... fuelbelt with 3 waters 1 gatorade, shot bloks, metronome, advil, chapstick....) so I'm ready to go first thing tomorrow morning. A little bit of anxiety is creeping in, but I'm mostly excited. Excited to put the months of training to a cause. Amazingly I've manage to stay completely healthy, through 3 sick kids breathing and coughing and sneezing on me. Until now. How convenient that two days before the race, I can feel it coming on. I've been downing oranges and mass amounts of water and just praying that it doesn't hit hard until I'm done. ::crossfing::


Work is good. At least from this end of things!! ;) haha! Last weekend, Matt participated in the first half of Woodbadge, which is a Scout leadership training program. We survived the three days he was gone and I'm prepping myself for the same again in a week. He's been singing silly little songs that get stuck in my head all the live long day!

All in all, life is good. I don't have a lot to complain about. Brooklyn and Blake are getting baptized in two weeks, I can hardly believe it!! I'm really looking forward to getting away, just Matt and I (plus friends), for a couple of days without the kids at the end of next month. And taking our annual trip to the cabin at Spring Break! I need to work on being better about planning for meals instead of waiting until 5:00pm to open the fridge and pantry to see what I can throw together. My family deserves better than that. I really would like to get back into the habit of regularly attending the temple. As well as volunteering in the kids' classrooms. I think that's it for now! :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Mother's Hands

This picture is horrible, but I just wanted to document how pitiful my hands look!!! They crack and bleed and hurt SO bad during the winter time. It doesn't matter how much I slather them with lotion, I'm a mom which means hand washing X 1,000,000 during the day. Between diaper changes, my own bathroom use (tmi!), dishes, laundry, food prep, kid baths, washing my face and showering, my hands are constantly getting wet.

As I was sitting here, all of a sudden, this picture became something symbolic to me. I may not have the prettiest, well-manicured hands, but that is not important to me. What I see is the hard work that goes into being a mother; that's my job every day, 24/7/365. And I wouldn't trade it for the world. ♥

"—there is no hand like Mother’s. Nor does its tender care diminish through the years." Thomas S. Monson, August 1990

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Brooklyn gets a little BLING

She's been counting down the months - weeks - days until she could get her ears pierced!!!

Matt & I had agreed that when she turned 8, she could get them done. These next few weekends are pretty much gonna be nutso so we decided to do it now! We had a little Mommy/Brooklyn girls night and our first stop was the jewelry store! Earlier in the day when I asked if she was excited, she told me she was [this] much nervous but _T H I S_ much excited!!! I could see the uncertainty in her eyes as the girl was getting everything ready, but she grabbed my hand and was such a brave little girl!! No crying! After she got them done and we left the store, she was skipping and twirling and SO giddy! I loved it! Any chance she got to look in the mirror, she did. :) We finished off the night with dinner at Paradise Bakery and then did a little shopping.
My baby girl is growing up!

Gavin's bday party

Since Gavin was turning the BIG 5 this year, we decided that it was time to have a real birthday party with some little friends. :) So we had 6 CrAzY boys + the birthday boy running amok at our house for 90 minutes.

I wanted to have Star Wars music playing in the background but when I went to sync my iPod, it said it was corrupted. WTHeck??! I was so bummed. :( Dumb computer viruses.

We played a few little games like "Keep the Balloon in the Air with Your Lightsaber"
and "Pin the Blast on the Star Wars Thingies" (remember my lack of proper Star Wars terminology??) and "Toss the Water Bombs into the Opposite team's Basket" which pretty much turned into a water balloon fight. ;)Since those kept their attention for about 2 minutes, we moved right on to the BOUNCE HOUSE!!!! And that was it. They went nuts, jumping and rolling and dog piling on each other for the next 30 minutes! Thanks to Derek & Kristin for letting us borrow their bouncer and saving the day!
Everyone came inside for cupcakes and ice cream.......then gifts. I thought it was hilarious that all the boys were huddled together so close to see what Gavin got. I could barely see what was going on in there! LOL!Treyson McLeod, Spencer Palmer, Joshua Thornes, Brayden Wilson, Gavin, Carson Carrasco, Alec Painter
Goody bags consisted of Star Wars stickers, Star Wars party blower, red green & blue glow sticks, Pop Rocks, Blow Pop sucker, 2 Star Wars silly bands, dipped pretzel rod "lightsabers," and the little inflatable lightsabers that we used for our first game. Birthday parties aren't my forte, but I managed to keep this one simple and low-key enough.
At least I know Gavin had a great time and that's all that matters! :)

Start your Engines!!!

Blake was invited to participate in our ward Pinewood Derby even though, he technically won't be a Boy Scout until he turns 8 in a few more weeks. From the moment he got his little block of wood, he wanted to work on that thing every. single. day.

Matt involved Blake in every step, from beginning to end. They searched online for a good design and settled on a Star Wars speeder (I think that's what it's called, excuse my lack of Star Wars knowledge). They got to work- Blake did the sanding, Matt did the cutting and drilling. I wish I had thought to get my camera out and document the work, but I didn't. There were a couple nights that Blake stayed up past bedtime to work on the car. It was cute going out to the garage, seeing them work side-by-side, Blake wearing one of his Daddy's t-shirts that was huge on his skinny little body. ♥

Last night they took the speeder to be weighed in and today was the big day!!
Watching with DaddyHis car is in lane 2 here -->

Blake's car ended up doing pretty well, taking 4th place overall!! Pretty good for his career debut! Matt says they can't trash everyone the first year! ;) haha!
Way to go Blake!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Gavin turned the big 5 years old today!!!! So hard for me to believe!!! (maybe I felt the same way when Brooklyn and Blake turned 5...) I really have noticed lately how much he's starting to look older. Gavin has always been my little sidekick and I think I'm in denial that he'll be starting kindergarten in a little over 6 months. *sigh* I've told him several times recently that I want to package him up and have him stay 4 forever, but he just didn't listen to me!!Today was a preschool day, so we took for Dunkin Donut munchkins to share with his class. Gavin chose to go to lunch at Chick-fil-A so we invited Spencer, his cousin-slash-bestfriend, to come along. They had a grand time playing in the playplace while Kristin and I chatted away.
The rest of the day was kinda typical. Matt had to work in Yuma so I knew it would be a late night. I got to work on Gavin's cake and general cleanup. When I asked Gavin what he wanted to dinner, he said PIZZA!!! So I said, easy enough, and picked up the phone for Pizza Hut delivery! We ate real quick and got down to birthday business. Poor guy had been waiting ALL DAY LONG for his presents!!! I loved his facial expressions each time he opened a gift~
Then Daddy brought out this one.....
After gifts, we did cake. Of course there is a story behind the cake. I'm pretty sure I gave the story behind the cake TWO years ago when he requested the same kinda of cake- a "CARROT" cake. No, it's not really a carrot cake inside, he just wants a carrot decoration on it like the ones he sees at the grocery store!!! LOL!
Proof that it is indeed chocolate cake inside....
(completely homemade, cake and frosting, and SO delicious!!!!)
Gavin is really just the sweetest kid around. Most days. ;) He comes up with the funniest things sometimes! His laugh makes me laugh. He is tender-hearted and one of the things I love is when he's trying to be brave when he's upset, gets a pouty lip and it trying to keep himself from bursting into tears. Those times I just have to pick him up and hold him for a minute. ♥ Gavin gets away with a lot (Matt reminds me of this frequently) but I'm really trying to be better about sticking to my word with him.

He loves Bakugan, Pokemon, and Star Wars. He likes to play with Legos and play the Wii, specifically Lego Star Wars. He is a pretty good eater with his favorites (I just asked him) being cheese crisps and pizza. Don't think that's all we ever eat, though. haha! He also loves most ANY fruit; strawberries, blueberries, oranges, grapefruit, cantaloupe, bananas, grapes, apples, pears, pineapple, but NOT watermelon. He'll eat MOST veggies with his faves being carrots, cucumbers, sugar snap peas (raw) and broccoli. His favorite cereal is Cinnamon Life, but would always prefer "hot oatmeal," as he calls it cooked on the stove, or pancakes. He calls his swirly cow-lick on the front of his head his "squirrel" and every time I cut his hair, he makes sure that I don't cut his "squirrel" off. ;) He'll stay in his pjs all day long unless I make him change. Gavin still loves music and I'm amazed at how quickly he picks up lyrics to songs on the radio.

He's having his very first friend birthday party this weekend and he's SO so excited about that!

Some pics from Gavin's birth until now...
Such a BIG boy!!! Happy Birthday, Gavin!!! We love you so much!

{5 yr stats}
weight- 36.8 lbs 21st %ile
height- 43 in 52nd %ile