Monday, June 30, 2014

June Review

We made our first trip of the summer to the library.  Our library situation is an interesting one.  You see, we live literally two miles outside of Maricopa county.  The Queen Creek library is IN Maricopa county, just 5 miles to the west of us on the major road.  The Apache Junction library is in Pinal county, the county we reside in and pay taxes in.  Therefore, it technically is "our" library, you know, to use for free.  However, it is 13 miles away and in a direction I rarely travel.  The two times I've actually checked books out from the AJ library, they've been ridiculously overdue, because I have to go crazy out of my way to return them!!  Soooooo, I PAY $50 a year to use the newer, QC library, that's 10 minutes from us versus 20 minutes.  Sometimes convenience is worth the price!

Anyhoo, the kids love the library.  They love books!  Something that I've really engrained in them from an early age.  It's important to me that they love to read!  We always participate in the summer reading program, even the little ones that aren't old enough to read by themselves yet.  I max out my library card E.V.E.R.Y. time we go.  I keep count as I pick out books and make sure we get 50 items!  The one thing I can guarantee, is that when we get home from a library trip, I get at least an hour of peace and quiet because the kids are too busy pouring over the new books we checked out!
This is an aftermath photo.  Books (and kids) are usually spread out all over the family room floor.  See that basket?  That's our library book basket that lives under our computer desk in the family room.  Books are to stay downstairs to minimize the chance of a lost book.  During the summer, we go to the library once a week.  Once school starts, it usually slows down to more like once every other week.  This summer, we've found a few new favorites~ Monkey With a Toolbelt (there are three titles, we've gotten them all), Bubble Gum Bubble Gum and When Dinosaurs Came With Everything, both of which I ended up purchasing for ourselves!  The boys always like picking out a Pokemon comic book, but I have to make sure they get actually READING books too!

Matt's birthday was over the week we were at the cabin.  I felt bad for leaving him here to be alone on his birthday, be he insisted that we stay for the whole week.  I had chocolate covered strawberries (his fave!) delivered to him at work and a rep brought lunch into the office that day.  When we got home from the cabin, we went out to dinner at his fave place, Serrano's.  We gave him a few random thing for his birthday- a couple new t-shirts, Peanut Butter M&M's, a new razor that he wanted to try, a pair of free weights, then POGO passes for the whole family.

One morning, my grandma invited us to come swim at her patio home community pool.  My cousin, Dustin, who is between the twins' and Gavin's age, was there for the day too.  We left Gavin there to spend with grandma and Dustin for the day and Matt picked him up on his way home from work.

That evening, we took the kids to see How To Train Your Dragon 2!  I loved the first one, and the second one was just as cute.  I'm glad even my "big" kids are still ok with seeing this type of movie.  Stay little forever, please?  Before we know it, they'll be asking to go to the movie theater with their friends and I'm not ready for that!!!!!!

I think I ran a quick errand and came back to the kids "sledding" down the stairs on a piece of cardboard.  It was one of those moments where I didn't know whether to be upset, or be happy they were being creative AND playing nicely together.  I chose the latter and prayed that no one would break their arm.  Or neck.

More library photos.  Brooklyn is so good to help keep Hayden entertained while I'm picking out books.  And I love that I have so many readers to help read to the littlest two!  One thing that just warms my heart, when I see a child reading to a little sib.

With our two major summer trips happening back to back at the beginning of June, we didn't really have a lot of other things going on, so I think that wraps it up!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summertime at the Cabin

We just got back from a week-long trip to the LeBaron cabin!  Being away from home for a long period of time is never easy, but I sure do love when we can maximize our stay at the cabin!

Our trip was over Father's Day and we had to take our annual pictures!

We brought up some fun things to keep the kids busy during the week and Gavin wanted to fly a kite, so Grandpa went out to the field with him and got it all set up.

Sunday evening, the men usually head home so they can return to work on Monday.  Derek, Kristin and fam also left Sunday because they were making the trip to Wyoming later that week.  That left me and our kids, Jen and her kids, Melissa & Paityn, grandma and great-grandma!

These two super readers were frequently found in this position, devouring their books!

Jen brought up Otter Pops that were as long as the kids' arms!!!

I won't say that it isn't SLIGHTLY crazy when we get all the cousins together.... ;)

A couple weeks before we left for the cabin, these two BCF (best cousins forever) petitioned for their own room at the cabin.  They even created a speech and presented it in a VERY dramatic fashion.  Some of those reasons included privacy, more space, peace and quiet, not as many sibling fights, etc.  It was very entertaining!

There is a little tiny room, called the attic, above the bunk house, that we decided to allow the girls to stay in.  Let me tell you, they were OVER THE MOON!!!!  Who knows how much sleep they actually got, but I'm sure they had plenty of chats and giggles.  I've said it once and I'll say it a million times, I'm so grateful that these girls were born so close together in our family!

And for the first time ever, we had a "cousin" sleep over while at the cabin!  This is actually their second cousin twice removed (who really knows??), Helen, who is John and Jan's granddaughter.  Our girls spent a LOT of time together.  In fact, Helen and her mom extended their stay because they were having so much fun!  Brooklyn and Emily also spent one night over at their cabin.  Brooklyn came home the next morning and broke the news to me that she had eaten her FIRST POP TART EVER!!

And thank heavens our girls seem to come in groups!  There aren't a lot of them; the boys outnumber the girls 2-1!  There's Sophie, then 18 months later comes Hayden, then 18 months later comes Paityn.  These two aren't quite at the point where they "play" together yet, but Hayden sure was interested in "holding" Paityn.  This morning, they woke up to find out they had worn wearing matching flamingo jammies to bed the night before!

Early morning swinging.  They've come up with some pretty creative ways to ride this thing!

I think a LOT of time was also spent down at the trampoline by the Cummard's cabin!

In fact, those three girl cousins put together and choreographed a whole performance on the trampoline, to which everyone was invited.  We all received these hand-written invitations and were instructed to be down by the trampoline at a certain time for the recital!

They even had audience and sibling participation!!  The kids all did the Cha-Cha slide, Grandma LeBaron gave us a cheerleader chant, Aunt Cheryl did disco, Jen did hip-hop.  It was pretty cute!  I love their creativity at this age!

Brooklyn, Helen and Emily, creators of Bounce Dance Company {BDC}

Blake & Josh kinda stayed hidden through the performance, but played poison ball once the girls were done with all their dance mumbo-jumbo.

And of course, per tradition, we took the kids down to the Pine Store to spend their $1 on a treat!  They won't ever let this go.  They begged and begged and begged and BEGGED every day until we went!

How funny that they brought the same book to the cabin!  Josh was just starting it and Blake finished it.

Clean kids after a bath with Great Grandma LeBaron

Craft time!  Grandma brought something fun for them to color.

Grandma also gave these pom-poms to Hayden~~

The boys built a tent wonderland in the screened porch for their last night. 

Adam & Preston -- two of our 2008 boys

All the cousins

We do crazy really well ;)

And our traditional stair picture before we get in the car to head home.

I was really impressed with how well everyone did this cabin trip!  Once again, Hayden did fabulous with getting to the potty every time and this was the first time she slept at the cabin without a pack n play.  She took naps each day and went to bed each night, sleeping on an air mattress on the floor.  We always have a few little squabbles due to kids (and moms!) being overtired, but being at the cabin with older kids is really becoming an enjoyable thing!  We treasure every minute we get to spend at the Strawberry cabin and hope we can continue making wonderful memories there with our family.

Monday, June 9, 2014


It has been YEARS since we've been to Big Lake with my family.... probably 4 years or so?  We started talking about it a loooong time ago and reserved our campsites back months ago.  As soon as we told the kids,  they were counting down the days!  I had forgotten how much I love that place!!

We saw tons of wildlife on the way in.

We're heeeeeeeeeeeere!!!

The next morning, we ate breakfast and packed up to go fishing.

 The boys got right to work, filling their pockets with crawdad claws.
Blake and Joshua
Ashton and Lexi
Dalton gets a fish!
Hayden was happy as long as she was being held or shoveling treats into her mouth :)
Blake gets a fish!
Good catch!
Taylyn gets a fish!
Preston takes a potty break up the hill.... hehe
Gavin gets a fish!
Preston gets a fish!
A live crawdad!
While everyone else was reeling in fish, we had a few who were still patiently waiting.  Time to bust out the "Fishy Dance!"

As the morning wore on, this one was losing hope.

Ashton catches a fish on his kiddie pole!
Lexi gives fishy kisses
Lex & Grandpa

And then, she FINALLY got one on!!!!!
Everyone was excited for her!
But that darn fish got away, right at the shore.  She crumpled right into her daddy and burst into tears.

Lucky girl, though, got to go out with Daddy all on her own later that afternoon to see if they would have better luck.  And wouldn't you know, she caught a fish!!!!

With Uncle Joshua in his hammock
Matt shows off his catches after an early morning fishing trip
I was a little worried taking a newly potty trained toddler camping, but she did GREAT!  No accidents!
I bought this little travel potty and set it up behind our tent so we didn't have to trek to the bathroom every time.
Learning knot-tying tips from the master~
Poor pregnant tree is still pregnant!! ;)

Out for a Rhino ride
Naps were non-existant during the trip so I wasn't surprised that this happened.
 Matt took the boys out for a little fishing time
Gavin caught this HUGE trout!
Cleaning it up
Not sure Blake really likes this part
Preston's little fishy
Always being held!  Having the teens around was helpful!
Braid girls!  I did Lexi's and Taylyn's and Brooklyn did her own.
(sad this pic is blurry)
More spoiling
The kids worked on building a fort at the campsite
Dinner time!  A trailer full of kids!
Ahhhhh, happy to get a shower in.
Glow stick fun!
Hayden slept SO well in the tent!  Probably due to sheer exhaustion by the end of the day!
Up with the sun for a little sister/mom/dad fishing time.  It was FREEZING and we didn't have much luck.  Becky caught the one and only fish.

At this point, I hadn't caught a fish, so we went out as a family.  The bugs were BAD and it was HOT so we had lots of whiny kids.  We weren't really catching anything but we persisted.  We finally managed to get some hits, I reeled them in to shore, then BAM, they got away.  This happened 5 times and I was ready to be done.  Just at the last minute, we got two fish, back to back.
Hayden loved going "fishing pole"
Saw this little guy slithering in and out of the rocks
Blake really got the hang of casting!
Token fishy kiss
Hayden named her fish "Sparkles"

Some fun back at the campground~
Lexi with silk worms
Hayden and Ashton digging in the dirt
Still cute, even when she's filthy!

There was a hill along our campsites that the kids rode their scooters down.  They got some pretty good speed and it was a little scary to watch them!  Gavin biffed it a couple times, but no major injuries.

Uncle Taylor got a little bored and constructed this mega-fort!!

Our night for dinner & dessert!  There wasn't a drop of food left!

S'mores!  We've started making them with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and those got eaten up quickly!  There was a fire restriction, meaning no campfires, so we just roasted marshmallows over the stove. :)

We got a new tent for this trip.  It comfortably fit three queen air mattresses and had room for all our bags.  Most everyone stayed warm and cozy!
Brooklyn and Hayden
Blake, Preston, Gavin
Morning snuggles with Daddy

Last day = sugar cereal = happy kids!!
The sibs~
Missing the other half!
So long, Big Lake!