Sunday, March 31, 2013

March Instagram

28 posted here, but there are a few others that I'm putting in other specific March blog posts.

Obsessed much?


Blake is pretty crazy in church sometimes but this is all it takes and he's calm. 
#touchyfeelyboy #cansomeoneticklemyneckplease

 Sometimes they actually like each other #snugglingduringfhe #morethanjustbrotherandsister #twins

The joys of sitting next to a rear-facing sister #hebitesherfeet

Berry smoothies for enduring Costco with mommy.

Yep, good thing I washed my car yesterday.

Seriously, Blake always has his nose in a book! #secondtimehesreadthisone #cantkeepup #alwaysbeggingformorebooks #youshouldseeourhomelibrary #bookshelfoverflowing

Playing cards #handandfoot #strawberrycabin #goodtimes

Played some bball out from with the fam in the beautiful weather this evening.

Lunch for 8 kids, minus a sleeping baby?  No problem.

Boys fot their hairs cut today! #backtobeinghandsome

Perfect night for some ball

Good morning, sunshine! #hellobedhead

Gavin's diorama book report #senseoftaste #longtongue #homework

Someone's been using my phone... #busted

Sketti face #highchairescapee #sweetbabygirl

12lbs of goodness on my porch!!!! #springshoppingforthekids #lovegettingpackages #donthavetoleavemyhouse


Only allowing myself ONE of these bad boys this year #cadburyegg #tryingoutselfrestraint

Chickee babies exploring the yard for the first time!

Dinner with my boys! #lilburros #blakesmouthisfullofchurro

Another tooth gone! #hopethetoothfairydoesherjobtonight

She's kinda cute today. #slightlybiased

It's almost 11pm and we're still up working on a book report that's due tomorrow #crazyeyes #shesslaphappy #sometimesifeellikehomeworkisapunishmentforparents #procrastinationatitsfinest

Finally joined the club! #targetredcard #oneofmyhappyplaces

AZ sunsets never disappoint! #nofilter

New hilights and Brazilian blowout in prep for our anniversary trip! 
#nomorefrizzyhair #hawaiiherewecome

Apparently my big girl isn't feeling too well.  Glad she's off school today and can rest.

Do you think she's trying to tell me something? #dontworryisharedafewbites

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day fun pictures

I made sure I had cute green shirts for all the kids for St. Patrick's Day, then I realized that it was on a SUNDAY!!!  So I had to make sure we were covered for church attire as well!  Luckily all the boys had a tie that would work but I used this as an excuse to get my girlies new Spring dresses.

Obvs Preston had been crying here...
Gavin said something about a leprechaun visiting the house.... and I was like, WHAT??!  We've got the Easter Bunny, Santa, the Tooth Fairy and now they're expecting a leprechaun???  I can barely keep up as it is!!  *I* supplied Lucky Charms to eat for breakfast (my kids pick out the marshmallows and leave the cereal!!), fun apple gummy rings and gold chocolate coins.

Reaching for the candy I'm using to get her to look at the camera :\
I'm in love with Gavin's freckles and his adorable ears
I think she's done taking pictures.  Like the bubble she's blowing?  haha

I'm LuCkY~

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Break week

School breaks often come at the perfect time, just when I'm needing a little relief from the hectic-ness of the morning routine, packing lunches, homework and projects.  This year, the Palmer family had the first half of Spring Break at the LeBaron cabin.  I love that the men come up with us and stay the weekend before heading home Sunday evening to get back to work on Monday.

This was by far the coldest we've ever had it be at the cabin while we were there.  And we got SNOW!!!  LOTS of it!  My kids have never really experienced snow like this.  Since we don't really have any snow gear, we packed what coats and gloves we had and between everyone else, we were able to outfit all the kids with sufficient clothing items.  Most of the snow clothes were "vintage" pieces that Matt's mom had when Matt was a kid!

 We woke up Saturday morning to a winter wonderland!

Darling Gavin making a snow angel

The kids jumped at the chance when I gave them permission to throw snowballs at me!

The abominable snowman (aka Daddy) chasing Preston

Brooklyn at the bottom of the sledding hill

Here comes Presty-dodo!

The twins slide down on their bums together

Cute Gavin again!

Adam & Spencer used these snowball makers to line the porch railing with over 100 snowballs!

Thawing tootsies out by the fire

Hayden trying an icicle

Ems & Brookie = best girl cousins

Their snowman

And Matt with his gigantor snowman

The next day, the sun was bright and shining, which melted a lot of the snow, but fun Dad/Uncle Matt helped the kids build an igloo.

Gav, Adam & Spence

Blake, Andrew & Josh

Brooklyn & Emily

One of the things that kept the boys entertained for long periods of time were these Zoobs that Gavin got for Christmas.  It was interesting to see what creations they came up with!

And of course, we must measure the kids' height on "THE WALL."

 All the cabin cousins :)

We had a little problem when it came time to leave....


The day we got home from the cabin, we had teeth cleanings at Goodman Dental.  Most of us got away cavity-free but both Preston and Gavin both ended up needing fillings. :(  I think Gavin has the most cavities so far.


Originally, little league Opening Day was scheduled for the weekend we at the cabin.  However, the same storm that dumped snow up north, dumped a lot of rain in the valley so it got rescheduled to the following weekend.  Gavin and Spencer are playing together on the Burlington Bees coach pitch team.

Ooooooooh, swing and a miss

Sophie and Preston cheering from the sidelines

Outfield action

A sweet treat after the game


For the past couple years, there has been a 5K glow run that is held out here, just south of us in a gated golf community.  I hadn't run since the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day, but it's not that difficult to just get up and run 3.2 miles, right?!  I love the ambience at races.  The music is pumping and everyone is ready to run.  I made the mistake of eating a 6 inch Subway sandwich an hour before so that didn't leave me feeling very awesome.  And we were running on a golf course, which means there were lots of hills!  I prefer my running on a nice flat road.  I picked my "people" to stay on pace with and did pretty well for not running for four months.  I finished with a time of 35:09 and I survived!