Monday, March 26, 2012

Pioneer Trek

Since I was called to be Young Men's President several years ago I had anticipated the opportunity to be involved in our Stake's Pioneer Trek. It was years away, but I had such fond memories of when I did it as a youth, I wanted to be there with the youth I work with now. Even though I am now in the bishopric I wanted Lindsay and I to be a Ma and Pa couple for a group of our youth. What I would give to be there with the youth with my beautiful wife! I share the experiences I have with the youth, but on a Pioneer Trek she would get to be involved first hand. Almost a year ago Lindsay and I knew we would not be able to be a Ma and Pa couple because Hayden would only be 3 months old. The desire for Lindsay and I to have a new baby girl was far greater than the trek. Fortunately, I was able to still go along as an "Uncle." I was jealous of the Madsens, Turners and Fairbanks, but knew they would do well for the youth.

Company Captain Bishop McLeod
This years youth them is "Arise and Shine Forth." We split up our youth based on physical and spiritual strength in hopes of providing the best opportunity for all. Our three families made up the McLeod Company. Our bishop, Chad McLeod, was company captain. We had 9 youth per family, 3 sets of "Parents", and Bishop and myself. In preparation for the Trek the youth carved spoons, made leather journals, made homemade tack and organized their belonging aside from bedding into a 5 gallon bucket. The buckets were an amazing idea where they served as storage containers and chairs.
Our Stake President, Allyn McLure, told the high council he wanted the trek to end at the new Gilbert Temple construction site. It was quite a feet, but with a lot of effort the route began south of the San Tans, passing through the park and skirting private property of members. The rocky trails were a relief to the sandy washes we trekked through. The first day was great! The youth were all smiles at first. Right before lunch the "Mormon Battalion" came and "enlisted" all the men/young men. That left the Women to pull the carts up a hill all by themselves. It was emotional as I thought of Phoebe Palmer, a widow, trekking across with only her 12 year old son as the oldest man in the family must have been scary and difficult.

After lunch, Tyler McGiven had heat exhaustion and had to hang back for a bit. He is like a cheetah in the fact that he can exert a lot of energy for 30 seconds and then tires out. The youth did not complain at all. Especially the young women. Our stake did not want to make it so difficult it became miserable, but it was still challenging. Overall we hiked about 25+ miles(~8, 11, 9) over 3 days.

The food was great! Each campsite was close enough to town that many of our Young Women leaders were able to come join us in the evenings. Andy Lowry came and fiddled a bit the first night at our ward fireside. I shared Parley P Pratt's conversion story. As I had prepared for the trek I read Vida Brinton's and Parley P Pratt's autobiographies. I really felt a bond developing for those that sacrificed so much for me.
On the third day we had to walk quite a while, but when we popped out of the raggedy alley between two neighborhoods it was all worth it to see the temple. I walked 25+ miles to get to the temple!!! I could imagine the joy the saints had as they reached the Salt Lake Valley. I cannot wait till the temple construction is complete. I am so grateful to be sealed to my beautiful wife and children. I hope I can be an example to them and my posterity through my life as I have had such wonderful examples in my own life.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pain at the Pump

Big milestone today.....

And it only stopped there because the "authorized limit" was reached on my debit card. I wasn't even done filling up!

Gas is astronomical these days. $3.93/gallon at the cheap grocery store gas station out where we live. I know part of it comes with the territory of owning a giant vehicle, but OUCH!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Three months OLD!!

Time is going by too quickly. Every day, Hayden is changing. We're still all so in love with her! She's such a happy baby. I can't stop staring at her while she's sleeping and "chatting" with her while she's awake.

I think a nickname has finally evolved. Preston most frequently calls her Hadey-baby, but Matt doesn't really like the association with Hades, Greek god of the underworld, so I started calling her Hayda. Then it went to Hayda Bayda, then just Bayda. Matt calls her "Lil Sis."

I'm getting a little sad that it's time to pack up all the itty bitty 0-3 month clothes. She's moving on to 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.

No wonder Preston seems so HUGE!!! I'm used to toting around a little baby so when I pick up Preston, he feels like he weighs one hundred pounds! He sure loves his baby sister!
Up until just recently, Little Miss still spent most of her sleeping hours swaddled up in the bouncy seat. I just love a swaddle baby! She's starting to break an arm free, no matter how tight I wrap her up, so I'm not sure how much longer it'll last. I can definitely say Hayden is a fan of the Bumbo seat! She loves being upright to look at what's going on around her. She follows people with her eyes and turns her head to watch things. This can be bad because she doesn't like me to set her down and walk away from her! I love being greeted by this sweet, smiling face first thing in the morning!!! She'll smile and coo up a storm and I can't get enough!She's just started laying flat in her crib for nighttime sleep and did amazingly well with the transition. I was afraid we'd be in for some rocky nights, but I was wrong. I just fill up her belly real good, swaddle her up and turn on her fishies and she's out a few minute later. I can't say that Hayden is consistently sleeping through the night..... most nights she's in bed around 8pm and wakes at 4am and 6am. But sometimes she wakes at 1 or 2, then 4 and 6, which makes me one tired mama. Her daytime sleeping is pretty predictable. She'll get super chatty when she's tired. She is a great napper, either in the swing or her crib or on the go in the car.

She's a spitter-upper, just like my other babies. A happy spitter, as the pediatrician calls it. I'm pretty sure it's me since I'd be the common denominator. ;) She's gaining weight fine and putting on the chubs so there's no worry. Because she spits up a lot, she can get pretty stinky smelling sometimes. I have to be sure to wipe out her neck frequently so nothing grows in the folds. Poor fifth child doesn't get bathed as frequently as she probably should be.

This is gross but must be documented for posterity, girl has TOTALLY mastered the art of diaper blowouts! Ayiyi!! Hayden hasn't really been a fan of tummy time, but I've tried to do it semi-regularly. Just like *that* overnight, she seemed to pick her head up off the ground and really get the hang of it! Then all of a sudden, she's ROLLING OVER!!! At first I thought it was a fluke, but she does it over and over again. Her big ole noggin drags her right over! haha Preston got the biggest kick out of her rolling.

Hayden really does make our family feel complete. Life with a baby can be challenging, but I'm trying to soak in the moments and love on my baby as much as I can!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Good work, ladies!!

From the time we left for the cabin two Fridays ago until just this past Saturday (so one week's time), the chickens laid
34 eggs!!!
We got our very first little, blueish-greenish eggs.The kids check the coop several times a day and love finding eggs! I've only given one dozen away so far, but other than that, we've been using up all the eggs we get. I'm totally loving not having to buy eggs at the grocery store!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Baseball Season!

Gavin is the only one playing baseball this year. Brooklyn and Blake have tried it for four years and it's just not either of their "thing." Plus, I couldn't imagine trying to squeeze three kids' practices and games into our already crazy busy schedule! It has already proven to be a challenge getting just Gavin to practices and games when we have conflicts just about every time!

This year, I guess the league really struggled to put together enough teams so they combined t-ball with coach pitch. Consequently, Gavin is on the same team with both Spencer AND Andrew, which makes it fun to have someone to sit and chat with at games and be a help if I need it.

Opening day was yesterday, so I hauled all 5 kids by myself down to the ball fields for a good chunk of the day. The player parade kicks things off! Here they are, the University of Kentucky Wildcats!
Cousins ~ Gavin, Andrew & Spencer
Crazed fanGavin throws the ball in from the outfieldPlaying catcher
His turn to bat!
He gives the sweetest smiles when he gets to the bases!Our #11
We're looking forward to the rest of the season and hoping to see some good improvement this year!

Our Spring Break

The Friday before Spring Break, I loaded everything but the kitchen sink into the Suburban, picked up Matt and we headed to the LeBaron cabin in Strawberry. Us and Jen & Dan's family got there Friday night, Matt's parents came up Grandma & Grandpa LeB on Saturday morning. Derek, Kristin & kids came up Saturday afternoon. Aunt Elise and Connor came up Sunday morning. Matt, his dad and Dan headed home early Sunday morning, Derek & Kristin stayed through Monday dinnertime-ish, the rest of us went home Wednesday morning.

I LOVE being at the cabin. I especially love it when Matt can come with us to the cabin. My kids love being at the cabin. They can run free with their cousins all day long, then they crash at bedtime, wake up early the next morning and do it all over again! We eat, play LOTS of card/board games, enjoy the great outdoors, relax, read, stay up late chatting -- SO fun!

Look at all those cute kids up in the "treehouse!" Preston figured out how to get up and down from this thing. I pray for their safety every year. Haha!
Blake playing pat-a-cake with HaydenCute Sophie-girl! I'm so glad that she and Hayden will have each other.
These two buggas did pretty well playing together, finally.
The Strawberry Market is open again so of course we headed down for a treatPreston ate ALL his gum at once!!The girls got all made up.... (yikes!)
This swing is new at the cabin. HUGE hit with all the kids!!Grandma gets snuggle time with baby Hayden
....and more games
Helping aunt Elise grade papers
More playingWe don't sled in snow, just dirt and leaves.I paid Emily $1.50 (all the change in my wallet) to teach Brooklyn how to tie shoes. I know, slacker parents. Slightly embarrassed 'bout that.
The cabin bosses - Grandpa & Grandma LeBaronMy crew, just before heading home
Wednesday afternoon, the kids and I got home from the cabin, unpacked the car, got showered and cleaned up. We went to get Matt, then picked up his new car and went out to dinner as a family to Red Robin.

Thursday morning early, Matt was off to the stake youth pioneer trek. I got some work done around the house while I waited for a plumber to come fix an issue we were having with the master shower, then we took off to see the Lorax at the movie theater; me, Britt and all 5 kids. Gavin had baseball practice that evening.Friday, we headed to Jambo's indoor amusement park (ghetto!) with the Thornes, Oitzmans and Bodells. EIGHTEEN kids between the four families!!!!
We ran to Sports Authority to pick up cleats and socks for Gavin for baseball, got home with a few minutes to breathe before taking Brooklyn to ballet. I took Blake and Gavin a couple doors down to get their hair cut, which they desperately needed!

After -- mucho better!
After ballet was over, we went to Target to pick up odds and ends, then decided to treat the kids to a frozen yogurt at Yogurt Jungle.Saturday morning was Opening Day for baseball, followed by Gavin's first game of the season.Late that afternoon, we picked up a dirty, stinky daddy from the trek. He'll document that later.We got all cleaned up and Matt & I took Hayden with us on a date (she slept the whole time). We barely saw each other this past week so it was nice to spend some time alone. We stopped by Jen & Dan's to fix an eye issue, then ate dinner at Brio Tuscan Grille. Soooooo yummy! The bruschetta was awesome! We'll definitely eat there again! We picked up mini Oreo McFlurries for dessert on the way home.Spring Break didn't really end up being a break from anything but school!! We hardly had any downtime, just go go go! That's how I like it though, less time for everyone to get annoyed with each other when we're busy. Good times with family and friends, now back to real life!