Monday, March 26, 2012

Pioneer Trek

Since I was called to be Young Men's President several years ago I had anticipated the opportunity to be involved in our Stake's Pioneer Trek. It was years away, but I had such fond memories of when I did it as a youth, I wanted to be there with the youth I work with now. Even though I am now in the bishopric I wanted Lindsay and I to be a Ma and Pa couple for a group of our youth. What I would give to be there with the youth with my beautiful wife! I share the experiences I have with the youth, but on a Pioneer Trek she would get to be involved first hand. Almost a year ago Lindsay and I knew we would not be able to be a Ma and Pa couple because Hayden would only be 3 months old. The desire for Lindsay and I to have a new baby girl was far greater than the trek. Fortunately, I was able to still go along as an "Uncle." I was jealous of the Madsens, Turners and Fairbanks, but knew they would do well for the youth.

Company Captain Bishop McLeod
This years youth them is "Arise and Shine Forth." We split up our youth based on physical and spiritual strength in hopes of providing the best opportunity for all. Our three families made up the McLeod Company. Our bishop, Chad McLeod, was company captain. We had 9 youth per family, 3 sets of "Parents", and Bishop and myself. In preparation for the Trek the youth carved spoons, made leather journals, made homemade tack and organized their belonging aside from bedding into a 5 gallon bucket. The buckets were an amazing idea where they served as storage containers and chairs.
Our Stake President, Allyn McLure, told the high council he wanted the trek to end at the new Gilbert Temple construction site. It was quite a feet, but with a lot of effort the route began south of the San Tans, passing through the park and skirting private property of members. The rocky trails were a relief to the sandy washes we trekked through. The first day was great! The youth were all smiles at first. Right before lunch the "Mormon Battalion" came and "enlisted" all the men/young men. That left the Women to pull the carts up a hill all by themselves. It was emotional as I thought of Phoebe Palmer, a widow, trekking across with only her 12 year old son as the oldest man in the family must have been scary and difficult.

After lunch, Tyler McGiven had heat exhaustion and had to hang back for a bit. He is like a cheetah in the fact that he can exert a lot of energy for 30 seconds and then tires out. The youth did not complain at all. Especially the young women. Our stake did not want to make it so difficult it became miserable, but it was still challenging. Overall we hiked about 25+ miles(~8, 11, 9) over 3 days.

The food was great! Each campsite was close enough to town that many of our Young Women leaders were able to come join us in the evenings. Andy Lowry came and fiddled a bit the first night at our ward fireside. I shared Parley P Pratt's conversion story. As I had prepared for the trek I read Vida Brinton's and Parley P Pratt's autobiographies. I really felt a bond developing for those that sacrificed so much for me.
On the third day we had to walk quite a while, but when we popped out of the raggedy alley between two neighborhoods it was all worth it to see the temple. I walked 25+ miles to get to the temple!!! I could imagine the joy the saints had as they reached the Salt Lake Valley. I cannot wait till the temple construction is complete. I am so grateful to be sealed to my beautiful wife and children. I hope I can be an example to them and my posterity through my life as I have had such wonderful examples in my own life.


Heather said...

That must have been AWESOME!

Kasey said...

Amazing! I'm so glad I was apart of it. Thanks Uncle Palmer!