Time is going by too quickly. Every day, Hayden is changing. We're still all so in love with her! She's such a happy baby. I can't stop staring at her while she's sleeping and "chatting" with her while she's awake.
I think a nickname has finally evolved. Preston most frequently calls her Hadey-baby, but Matt doesn't really like the association with Hades, Greek god of the underworld, so I started calling her Hayda. Then it went to Hayda Bayda, then just
Bayda. Matt calls her "Lil Sis."
I'm getting a little sad that it's time to pack up all the itty bitty 0-3 month clothes. She's moving on to 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.
No wonder Preston seems so HUGE!!! I'm used to toting around a little baby so when I pick up Preston, he feels like he weighs one hundred pounds! He sure loves his baby sister!

Up until just recently, Little Miss still spent most of her sleeping hours swaddled up in the bouncy seat. I just love a swaddle baby! She's starting to break an arm free, no matter how tight I wrap her up, so I'm not sure how much longer it'll last.

I can definitely say Hayden is a fan of the Bumbo seat! She loves being upright to look at what's going on around her. She follows people with her eyes and turns her head to watch things. This can be bad because she doesn't like me to set her down and walk away from her!

I love being greeted by this sweet, smiling face first thing in the morning!!! She'll smile and coo up a storm and I can't get enough!

She's just started laying flat in her crib for nighttime sleep and did amazingly well with the transition. I was afraid we'd be in for some rocky nights, but I was wrong. I just fill up her belly real good, swaddle her up and turn on her fishies and she's out a few minute later. I can't say that Hayden is consistently sleeping through the night..... most nights she's in bed around 8pm and wakes at 4am and 6am. But sometimes she wakes at 1 or 2, then 4 and 6, which makes me one tired mama. Her daytime sleeping is pretty predictable. She'll get super chatty when she's tired. She is a great napper, either in the swing or her crib or on the go in the car.
She's a spitter-upper, just like my other babies. A happy spitter, as the pediatrician calls it. I'm pretty sure it's me since I'd be the common denominator. ;) She's gaining weight fine and putting on the chubs so there's no worry. Because she spits up a lot, she can get pretty stinky smelling sometimes. I have to be sure to wipe out her neck frequently so nothing grows in the folds. Poor fifth child doesn't get bathed as frequently as she probably should be.
This is gross but must be documented for posterity, girl has TOTALLY mastered the art of diaper blowouts! Ayiyi!!

Hayden hasn't really been a fan of tummy time, but I've tried to do it semi-regularly. Just like *that* overnight, she seemed to pick her head up off the ground and really get the hang of it! Then all of a sudden, she's ROLLING OVER!!! At first I thought it was a fluke, but she does it over and over again. Her big ole noggin drags her right over! haha Preston got the biggest kick out of her rolling.
Hayden really does make our family feel complete. Life with a baby can be challenging, but I'm trying to soak in the moments and love on my baby as much as I can!
she makes me want another girl! so stinkin cute!!
She is so precious!! All of your kids are just gems. (That sounded about 60 years older than myself...:)
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