Monday, August 31, 2009


Since the twins have gone back to school, I feel like I can get more accomplished throughout the day, on my terms. Gavin is very, very good to play by himself or sit still long enough to watch a full Disney movie. The baby is also super content to play with toys and is on a great napping schedule. Soooooo, I've tackled a few items on the "TO DO" list in the past four weeks since school started.

#1 -- Organizing clothing bins

During the great clothing switch out at the end of each season, I try to stay on top of putting the clothes into the designated bins right away. But for some reason, this just got away from me. I had two enormous laundry baskets stacked high with clothes and shoes that needed to go into their appropriate Rubbermaid tote. Clothes from winter season, too small clothes, clothes that I had pulled out of bins for various cabin/camping trips, clothes that the baby has outgrown, etc. I dragged aaaallllllll the bins in from the garage and went through each bin to reorganize and add to it's contents. I pulled a few things out that I didn't care for anymore, but most of the clothes are just too darn cute and I'm not ready to part with much at this point. Plus I still have one more boy working through these clothes! :) I felt an overwhelming sense of relief when this project was complete!!! I realize that I have enough clothing stored to clothe SEVERAL boy children. This is size 3-6 months thru size 5 and doesn't include the clothes my older boys are currently wearing, which will require the purchase of several (maybe three) more bins. Don't judge.
#2 -- Painting the upstairs hall bathroom

Which is now Brooklyn's bathroom! :) This bathroom hardly got used before. But we had company coming to stay with us for a couple nights and they would be using this bathroom so I wanted to get it done before then. My sister-in-law, who loves to paint, came over and helped me get this done in just a couple hours. We already had the shower curtain and towels. I love the way it looks in there now! Just have to add embellishments to the towels and put a few knick-knacks up on the wall and it'll be complete!

#3 -- Painting the spare bedroom

Brooklyn used to be on one side of the jack-and-jill bathroom with Blake and Gavin sharing the bedroom on the other side of the bathroom. Preston was in a pack 'n play in the "spare" bedroom. We painted the spare bedroom, which is now Brooklyn's bedroom! :) Blake and Gavin will move into Brooklyn's old bedroom and Preston will be in Blake and Gavin's old room, so all the boys are on either side of the jack-and-jill bathroom. Get it? Got it? Good!! ;)

Once again, I enlisted the help of my paintaholic sis-in-law, Kristin, to get the job done. It's PURPLICIOUS!!!

This is seriously all the furniture that is in her room right now!! We're searching for cute white dressers and a nightstand to complete the ensemble. I also already have her name letters to hang above her bed (another project for another day) and a lamp that coordinates with her bedding.

Slowly but surely things are coming together and I LIKE IT!!! Next project: boys bedrooms, perhaps??

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Red Lights

Take a potty break, grab a drink and a snack for this novel!!!

In Blake and Brooklyn's classes, they have a green-yellow-red light system for behavior. Every day, they fill in the color that their light was on in the morning and the afternoon so we, as parents, can see how they are doing.

Weeeeellllllllllll, Blake has been having a little problem, starting with the first week of school. One afternoon, his light was on YELLOW because he "screamed" in the classroom (out of excitement to go to groups, he tells me). On day seven of school, Blake got a RED LIGHT on the morning for PUNCHING a student on the playground!!!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt????!?!? Blake said that a kid was squirting water on his head, he asked him to stop and the kid didn't so Blake punched him. Seriously? We spanked him good, NO, I'm just kidding!! ;) We reviewed appropriate behavior for problem solving- use nice words first, then go to an adult, never hit other people, etc. Thought we were good to go.

The next week, I was delivering Blake's lunch to him (that he left at home) while they were at recess. Brooklyn's teacher approached me and let me know that Blake has been having problems keeping his hands to himself while waiting for the bus after school (including punching). I guess she was designated to watch over them while they wait? Anyway, I assured her that we were addressing the problem at home, and while we would never condone punching, it seemed like Blake was being picked on/provoked in these "incidents." She said they encourage the students to work things out, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, mmmmhmmm. I nodded and smiled and went along my merry way.

Theeeeeeeen, this past week on Tuesday, Blake comes home with a DOUBLE RED LIGHT in the afternoon, with a note from the teacher saying again, Blake punched a student at recess. What in the world is going on here??? Blake's story: a boy in Brooklyn's class was pinning her arms down and when asked to, he wouldn't let go so Blake came to Brooklyn's defense by punching the kid. What bugs me the most is these other kids involved in these incidents get of scot-free while Blake is the only one that has to deal with the consequences.

I finally spoke with Blake's teacher about the whole deal and she pretty much brushed it off, saying that SHE had never actually seen Blake punch someone (!!!) and that he was really well behaved in the classroom. She knows, from Blake telling her, that we have addressed the problem at home and she isn't too worried about it. :/

I'm actually very surprised at Blake's behavior. He's not overly aggressive at home. Sometimes rowdy, yes; he's a boy!!! He's in karate, but I don't think his behavior is a direct result of that. I informed the karate instructor what has been going on and he had no problem helping reinforce that we need to control our anger and punches and kicks are reserved for class only or practicing (with permission) at home.

We decided to implement a positive reinforcement system where if he could stay on GREEN lights, both morning and afternoon for five days in a row (doesn't necessarily have to be Mon-Fri), he will get a prize of his choosing, a lego set. He's did great the last three days of this week and I'm really hoping that he gets his reward on Tuesday!!! :) We'll enforce a more long term reward program after this first milestone.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Love this!!

Things I love lately:

We call these scrubba-dubbas. ALL the kids have their own. It's a bar of soap enclosed in a mesh thingie, which makes it easy for the kids to wash their own bodies. Awesome! I'm embarrassed to say up until this point, we were still washing our 6.5 year old twins' bodies for them!! I still don't let them brush their own teeth...

Silpats. What???? Never heard of these? Neither had I until last summer while living with Matt's brother and his family. These silicone mats are made to line your cookie sheets with, thus preventing any sticking to the pan. I love that I can just slide cookies right off the sheet without leaving any crusties!! I make cookies a LOT, so the $20/mat is well worth the cost.

Our family's current favorite Wii game. Fun and a bit frustrating all at the same time!! :)
I know there is more but I just can't think right now!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back in Business!!

Alrighty then! The blog is all set to private with a new address! That was a lot of work, but I feel much better now. :) Blog update coming soon....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Time for Privatizing!!

Matt and I have debated for a looooooooooong time whether or not to make our blog private and have decided now's the time.

Please leave your e-mail if you'd like to keep up with our fam! Family, friends and blog-stalkers welcome! :) All comments are being moderated so your e-mail address will not show. I'll likely make the switch after this week is over.


Friday, August 14, 2009

We don't call him Pretsy-Pooper for nothin'!!

Welp, Huggies aren't cutting it. We're about 2/3 of the way through the massive box of dipes and then we'll be on to something else.

Poor kid was sitting on the family room floor, just being a good boy, playing with his toys. I saw the I'm-working-on-"something" face going on, so I let him go about his business. When I came back to change him, I picked him up off the floor and THIS is what I found.....

don't look if you're squeamish! scroll fast!
this is by far the most disgusting thing I've put on my blog to date!
but this is what I'm living with E.V.E.R.Y day people!!!!!

(the white spots are barf, which I'm constantly cleaning up off the carpet too!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me tell you, this was a beauty to clean up!!! We've tried moving up a size. That's always my first step when we start having blowouts. But it never stops with this kid!!! Short of buying 6 different brands of diapers and using a few out of each package ($$$$$), I'm at a loss here. Stuff the back and legs with toilet paper? Use sanitary pads as "bumpers??" Vinyl diaper covers??? Duct tape around the whole thing???? All I can say is thank heavens I'm a master at getting stains out of clothing or Preston would be nekkid!! I guess the only thing that will come of this is some awfully good stories to tell his first girlfriend! LOL!

While he's not pooping his brains out, he's generally cute as can be!!! He's often found STUCK in this position after reaching faaaaaaaaaar out in front of him to reach a toy. :)Here he is going to town on a nectarine. Couldn't get enough! :)Who ya textin', baby? He loves my phone! :)We have ONE top tooth through and the other one is *right* there!!! I'm sure toofers #5 and 6 won't be far behind! Motrin has been our friend! :)
I think this just about wraps things up for this time! There's more to blog about, but we'll have to save it for another day.

Monday, August 10, 2009

True Confessions

I used to be one of those moms that willingly took my kids where ever I went - to the grocery store, Target, the mall, a restaurant, etc. They were remarkably well behaved (I thought) which made it easy on me. Those days have apparently come to an end. Four kids has sent me over the edge. When I take all the kids on a much needed errand run, they are terrors. Horrible. I don't know what changed. But it's not Preston that's causing the problems!

Case & Point: We just got home from Target. I always, always, always let my kids know how I expect them to behave while we are in a public place. Their automatic response: best behavior. Well "best behavior" is nowhere to be found. Blake, who is SIX and a HALF years old, need I remind you, is RUNNING up and down aisles. Then Gavin follows. I grab an ear and escort Blake back to the cart, letting him know, FIRMLY that that is not acceptable EVER and to keep his hand on the cart. Must have gone in one ear and right out the other because not more than two minutes pass before he's pulling some other antic. If I let go of the cart for a second to get something off the shelf, Blake is pulling the cart down the aisle. I got to the point that I didn't even care and went on gathering items on my [short] list. I was secretly hoping that either Gavin or Blake would get LOST. So they could learn a freaking lesson. Please don't call CPS on me. My eyes were stinging with tears of embarrassment as I walked out of the store, Gavin running far behind me. Other mothers are probably raising their eyebrows and whispering about me to their friends. I can't even CONTROL my own children in a public place! I know some would/will probably say just pack up and leave the store. When am I supposed to get these things accomplished????! Maybe this is a sign from heaven above that we are done???!?

I don't know where I went wrong. I have become a mean mom. My kids remind me frequently. I don't know who's kids these are because they certainly aren't acting like the children I know. I feel like I have three toddlers. I thought this was supposed to get easier?? *sigh* :(

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Larson!

Yesterday, my youngest sister Brittney and Jesse tied the knot!!! We're so glad to officially have Jesse as a part of our family. It's been a looooooooooooong time coming!

--> Side Note: I debated what to do - take my little point & shoot camera, my big DSLR camera or take nothing at all. I ended up taking my little camera and once again, I completely regret my decision not to take my big camera!! Too much lag in shutter speed and not good enough flash power. Grrr....

Just married!!!
Smooches between bride and groom
Brooklyn requested to be at the temple because she
wanted to "see Brittney and Jesse kiss" LOL!

The 3 stooges (a.k.a. the brothers) - Heston, Joshua and CodyMatt and the little dude
I put this guy down in the pack n play when the reception started and we didn't hear a peep outta him all night!!! Good boy. I had to wake him up so we could leave!

Our family :)
Cute posterityJesse ♥ BrittneyThe candy table, where my kids couldn't get enough!!!! First dance as husband & wifeThe vets' turn!Gavin (obviously a little hyped up on candy) and my niece TaylynMe (holding "Preston") and my MomThe cakeThey were nice.Looky, looky who just happened to catch the bouquet!! For reals! She was ecstatic!Digging for gold... um, I mean the garter!Blake and Coderiferous, playing with {illegal} sparklers as we say farewell to the newlyweds

The getaway!
The couple are off on their honeymoon in beautiful Puerto Rico! I'm jealous! Love you two and we can't wait to see you guys grow together as your own family! Congrats!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Back to School!

What? Seriously? It's that time of the year again!!!! I can't believe our summer just flew right by! I survived! Barely.

Today was Brooklyn and Blake's first day of 1st grade!! They are attending the neighborhood public school while we are on the waiting list for a nearby charter school. You could feel the exhilaration in the air this morning as we were getting new clothes on, having a yummy breakfast and packing the first of hundreds of lunches this school year.

Let me tell you how ecstatic they were to ride the BUS!!!!! I feel like I'm letting loose a little bit, by allowing them to ride the bus to and from school, since I'm a carseat nazi and all, but seriously the school is literally 5 minutes up the road and their bus driver is in our ward!!

Of course I had to follow the bus to school on the first day ;)
Storytime: I parked the car and unloaded the little boys to go meet Brooklyn and Blake on the playground and walk them into their classroom. Well, I couldn't see them anywhere on the playground and was a bit freaked for a bit. I checked their classrooms, just to make sure they didn't go there. When it was time to line up, still no Blake & Brooklyn. Eventually, some teacher/admin brought Brooklyn around the corner, then another with Blake. Apparently they joined together on the BIG kids' playground!! We clarified where they are supposed to go directly from the bus so I trust it won't happen again. ;)

Blake and Brooklyn are in different classes this year. Brooklyn was ecstatic. Blake was heartbroken. Which is why they NEED to be in separate classes. Blake relies heavily on Brooklyn socially. He wants/needs to be by her alllllll the time and she doesn't like it. It got so bad last year that in the cafeteria, they had to assign Blake days he could sit by Brooklyn (Tues/Thurs) and she could sit by her friends the other days. It makes my heart sad, but he needs to learn to hold his own. He had no problem making friends last year, but it's obvious he's still very attached to his sister. We won't tolerate Brooklyn being mean or rude to her brother, she just needs a little space. I do not regret keeping them together for kindergarten and I know they'll do just fine in their own classrooms.

Then I got to hang out with just these two dudes all day!! :)
(Retarded pic of Gavin, but it's the best I got. It was bright outside!)
Boy was it quiet around here! Gav enjoyed roaming the house in peace. I played {the non-glamorous} Cinderella and started back up on my Monday laundry routine. I'm flat out exhausted after the first day of school! Better head up to the shower then off to bed. It's a school night! ;)