Poor kid was sitting on the family room floor, just being a good boy, playing with his toys. I saw the I'm-working-on-"something" face going on, so I let him go about his business. When I came back to change him, I picked him up off the floor and THIS is what I found.....
don't look if you're squeamish! scroll fast!
this is by far the most disgusting thing I've put on my blog to date!
but this is what I'm living with E.V.E.R.Y day people!!!!!
this is by far the most disgusting thing I've put on my blog to date!
but this is what I'm living with E.V.E.R.Y day people!!!!!
(the white spots are barf, which I'm constantly cleaning up off the carpet too!)

Let me tell you, this was a beauty to clean up!!! We've tried moving up a size. That's always my first step when we start having blowouts. But it never stops with this kid!!! Short of buying 6 different brands of diapers and using a few out of each package ($$$$$), I'm at a loss here. Stuff the back and legs with toilet paper? Use sanitary pads as "bumpers??" Vinyl diaper covers??? Duct tape around the whole thing???? All I can say is thank heavens I'm a master at getting stains out of clothing or Preston would be nekkid!! I guess the only thing that will come of this is some awfully good stories to tell his first girlfriend! LOL!While he's not pooping his brains out, he's generally cute as can be!!! He's often found STUCK in this position after reaching faaaaaaaaaar out in front of him to reach a toy. :)
Here he is going to town on a nectarine. Couldn't get enough! :)
Who ya textin', baby? He loves my phone! :)
We have ONE top tooth through and the other one is *right* there!!! I'm sure toofers #5 and 6 won't be far behind! Motrin has been our friend! :)
I think this just about wraps things up for this time! There's more to blog about, but we'll have to save it for another day.
Unfortunately, I can't relate and I have no good advice for you. We never had a bad blow out really. But I will know who to call if I need help getting a stain out of the carpet. :)
Yuk Lindsay! Lol...but he sure is cute! He is starting to look more like Matt
We have the SAME problem with Shelby! Most of the time she's in her jumperoo, and the mess has dripped down her legs and made a puddle on the floor that she's happily jumping in =). And our carpet is the same color as yours so your pic didn't gross me out at all =). I"ve got poop puddle pics myself =). I have NO clue how to fix the problem. Lots of bananas?! I'll let you know if we come up with a solution and you'll have to let me know if you find one!
ps- what do you use for stains? I've tried a lot of stuff but usually there's still a teeny bit of stain left. Yuck!
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