Take a potty break, grab a drink and a snack for this novel!!!
In Blake and Brooklyn's classes, they have a green-yellow-red light system for behavior. Every day, they fill in the color that their light was on in the morning and the afternoon so we, as parents, can see how they are doing.
Weeeeellllllllllll, Blake has been having a little problem, starting with the first week of school. One afternoon, his light was on YELLOW because he "screamed" in the classroom (out of excitement to go to groups, he tells me). On day seven of school, Blake got a RED LIGHT on the morning for PUNCHING a student on the playground!!!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt????!?!? Blake said that a kid was squirting water on his head, he asked him to stop and the kid didn't so Blake punched him. Seriously? We spanked him good, NO, I'm just kidding!! ;) We reviewed appropriate behavior for problem solving- use nice words first, then go to an adult, never hit other people, etc. Thought we were good to go.
The next week, I was delivering Blake's lunch to him (that he left at home) while they were at recess. Brooklyn's teacher approached me and let me know that Blake has been having problems keeping his hands to himself while waiting for the bus after school (including punching). I guess she was designated to watch over them while they wait? Anyway, I assured her that we were addressing the problem at home, and while we would never condone punching, it seemed like Blake was being picked on/provoked in these "incidents." She said they encourage the students to work things out, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, mmmmhmmm. I nodded and smiled and went along my merry way.
Theeeeeeeen, this past week on Tuesday, Blake comes home with a DOUBLE RED LIGHT in the afternoon, with a note from the teacher saying again, Blake punched a student at recess. What in the world is going on here??? Blake's story: a boy in Brooklyn's class was pinning her arms down and when asked to, he wouldn't let go so Blake came to Brooklyn's defense by punching the kid. What bugs me the most is these other kids involved in these incidents get of scot-free while Blake is the only one that has to deal with the consequences.
I finally spoke with Blake's teacher about the whole deal and she pretty much brushed it off, saying that SHE had never actually seen Blake punch someone (!!!) and that he was really well behaved in the classroom. She knows, from Blake telling her, that we have addressed the problem at home and she isn't too worried about it. :/
I'm actually very surprised at Blake's behavior. He's not overly aggressive at home. Sometimes rowdy, yes; he's a boy!!! He's in karate, but I don't think his behavior is a direct result of that. I informed the karate instructor what has been going on and he had no problem helping reinforce that we need to control our anger and punches and kicks are reserved for class only or practicing (with permission) at home.
Theeeeeeeen, this past week on Tuesday, Blake comes home with a DOUBLE RED LIGHT in the afternoon, with a note from the teacher saying again, Blake punched a student at recess. What in the world is going on here??? Blake's story: a boy in Brooklyn's class was pinning her arms down and when asked to, he wouldn't let go so Blake came to Brooklyn's defense by punching the kid. What bugs me the most is these other kids involved in these incidents get of scot-free while Blake is the only one that has to deal with the consequences.
I finally spoke with Blake's teacher about the whole deal and she pretty much brushed it off, saying that SHE had never actually seen Blake punch someone (!!!) and that he was really well behaved in the classroom. She knows, from Blake telling her, that we have addressed the problem at home and she isn't too worried about it. :/
I'm actually very surprised at Blake's behavior. He's not overly aggressive at home. Sometimes rowdy, yes; he's a boy!!! He's in karate, but I don't think his behavior is a direct result of that. I informed the karate instructor what has been going on and he had no problem helping reinforce that we need to control our anger and punches and kicks are reserved for class only or practicing (with permission) at home.
We decided to implement a positive reinforcement system where if he could stay on GREEN lights, both morning and afternoon for five days in a row (doesn't necessarily have to be Mon-Fri), he will get a prize of his choosing, a lego set. He's did great the last three days of this week and I'm really hoping that he gets his reward on Tuesday!!! :) We'll enforce a more long term reward program after this first milestone.
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