Monday, August 10, 2009

True Confessions

I used to be one of those moms that willingly took my kids where ever I went - to the grocery store, Target, the mall, a restaurant, etc. They were remarkably well behaved (I thought) which made it easy on me. Those days have apparently come to an end. Four kids has sent me over the edge. When I take all the kids on a much needed errand run, they are terrors. Horrible. I don't know what changed. But it's not Preston that's causing the problems!

Case & Point: We just got home from Target. I always, always, always let my kids know how I expect them to behave while we are in a public place. Their automatic response: best behavior. Well "best behavior" is nowhere to be found. Blake, who is SIX and a HALF years old, need I remind you, is RUNNING up and down aisles. Then Gavin follows. I grab an ear and escort Blake back to the cart, letting him know, FIRMLY that that is not acceptable EVER and to keep his hand on the cart. Must have gone in one ear and right out the other because not more than two minutes pass before he's pulling some other antic. If I let go of the cart for a second to get something off the shelf, Blake is pulling the cart down the aisle. I got to the point that I didn't even care and went on gathering items on my [short] list. I was secretly hoping that either Gavin or Blake would get LOST. So they could learn a freaking lesson. Please don't call CPS on me. My eyes were stinging with tears of embarrassment as I walked out of the store, Gavin running far behind me. Other mothers are probably raising their eyebrows and whispering about me to their friends. I can't even CONTROL my own children in a public place! I know some would/will probably say just pack up and leave the store. When am I supposed to get these things accomplished????! Maybe this is a sign from heaven above that we are done???!?

I don't know where I went wrong. I have become a mean mom. My kids remind me frequently. I don't know who's kids these are because they certainly aren't acting like the children I know. I feel like I have three toddlers. I thought this was supposed to get easier?? *sigh* :(


Malinda said...

I know exactly how where you feel. You ahve one more up on me. But i still dread going anywhere. Trust me other moms aren't saying that they are saying "oh man" I am so glad i don't have my kids here because they would be doing the exact same thing or they are saying "i know exactly how she feels. At least that is what i think when i am shopping alone and see a mom having a hard time with her kids. I also think i am glad to know that it's not just my kids that act like this in public.

Kasey said...

You sound just like me! And Blake acts just like Todd. He must be your long lost triplet!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Lindsay, I can barely control 2, let alone 4. We've all been in the situation where we're CERTAIN that we are the Mom that other Mom's are whispering about. You are doing a FINE job! My heart aches for your embarrassment, as I know how agonizing it feels, but seriously, you're doing great! Just look at all of your previous posts with happy, smiling kids. As for the mean Mom syndrome, I had it so bad during the potty-training that I was embarrassed by my behavior & Aaron even sent ME to time-out a couple times. I found that the remedy for that one was more prayer & more scripture study. Of course, I'm sure with 4 kiddos, scripture study is virtually non-existent. Hang in there!

Kim Sandling said...

Please don't feel too bad. As embarrassed as you are, it will pass. I feel that way with only 2 kids. You have very well behaved kids, and as everyone seems to tell me, "They're just going through a phase". You will get your good kids back. Don't worry, there must be something in the air because my kids have been out of control, and I seem to be the meanest mom ever...and that's me calling myself that!

mad white woman said...

I think you're a great mom and I think you have very well behaved kids. Running up and down the aisles is just fun. Wouldn't you do it too if you didn't have a cart to push? :)

Clara is normally very well behaved, but some days, she's just off. She throws things, won't obey and smirks at me when I put her in time out. I think that's just part of being a kid.

Jenna said...

Lindsay, it's so comforting to know that I'm not the only person that turned psycho upon having 4 kids! I think we must be living parallel lives in the 4 kids=Mom becomes stressed/"mean mommy" categories. And also consider yourself lucky that your children kept "tamed" as long as they did...Good luck! (And let me know when you find the secret to perfectly behaved kids...we need it!) (:

Jamie said...

I love this post!!! It makes me feel good that there are other kids out there that act like mine do at the store! I don't think one mom was talking bad about you at all, because I think we have all been there, done that, and we won't have the RIGHT to talk bad about you! I do whatever it takes to not take all of mine to a store, but sometimes you don't have a choice. You are not a bad mom and you don't have bad kids. They are perfectly normal and act like most other kids do at stores!!!!

Ashley Harris said...

Oh wow, can I relate! I feel like I totally had things under control with just the twins and now with Wyatt I am officially "one of those moms" you see in stores (if I even go!) Wish I had good advice - just take comfort in the fact that it probably wasn't nearly as bad as you think it was and oh honey, we've all been there!!