Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Mother's Hands

This picture is horrible, but I just wanted to document how pitiful my hands look!!! They crack and bleed and hurt SO bad during the winter time. It doesn't matter how much I slather them with lotion, I'm a mom which means hand washing X 1,000,000 during the day. Between diaper changes, my own bathroom use (tmi!), dishes, laundry, food prep, kid baths, washing my face and showering, my hands are constantly getting wet.

As I was sitting here, all of a sudden, this picture became something symbolic to me. I may not have the prettiest, well-manicured hands, but that is not important to me. What I see is the hard work that goes into being a mother; that's my job every day, 24/7/365. And I wouldn't trade it for the world. ♥

"—there is no hand like Mother’s. Nor does its tender care diminish through the years." Thomas S. Monson, August 1990


Brandi said...

My hands look the same! Ouch! Sometimes during the day when I know I have just changed diapers and gotten many things done that my hands need to be in water for, I put a ton a lotion on, then 5 minutes later the kids need me to do something for them that involves water. Like you said though, I wouldn't trade it for the world either.

Kasey said...

So true! My poor Kylee's hand look like yours and she's not even a mom yet! Girl is in for it for sure!