Friday, May 31, 2013

May Instagram

My big helper and his little cart! #watchyourheels #notreadyforadriverslicenseyet

Hawaiian day at school today! #spiritweek

CrAzY hAiR dAy #spirit week

Homemade pizza and smoothies #dinnertonight

Proudly showing off his culture fair report! #ipraymykidsdontinheritmyprocrastinationgene #uptoolate #mattsangthenationalanthem #meandgavcouldntstoplaughing #brazil

Late night ice cream run with Daddy.

Pao de queijo first thing this morning.  #culturefairsamples #brazil

Park day! #prettygirl #shehasnofear

Fun with glow sticks. #justbecause

Sitting in the diaper drawer, reading a book or ten. #messmaker #shethinkssherulesthisplace

This little devil decided to hitch a ride on my mirror and hung on for dear life for 5 miles or so!  I was afraid to get out of my car!!!

Perfect way to end the day with my honey. #wardtemplenight #standinholyplaces

My greatest blessings #hardestjob #soworthit #mothersday2013

This is how we brusha brusha. #shelaysrightdown #yesherarmsarepinnedundermylegs #singABC

Found a perfect shirt for Blake. #justaregulargenius #smartkidproblems #hekeepsmeonmytoes

We have arrived at *THIS* stage.  Joy. 
#throwsherselfgentlytothefloor #tantrums #dramaprincess

Matt took the kids to see cousin Emily in her play today.

She got her cuppa ice from Grandma LeBaron's! 
#keepingcool #weonlylovegrandmaforherice

Stocking up on summer reading for the kids! #bookworms #staysmart #thankyouamazon

Quite possibly the BEST banana muffin I've ever had!!!

A little morning exercise. #riseandshine #goodmorningsister

Pretty perfect stack of pancakes, if I do say so myself! #breakfastfordinner

Last day of school!!!!!!!!!! #hallelujah #bigsmilesallaround

This is happening RIGHT NOW!! #dugoutsuite #companyperks #azdbacks

Cleaning the church building this fine Saturday morning. #mighthavebribedthemwithdonuts

She figured out a little splashing in the [unflushed] toilet gets her an immediate trip to her favorite place! #stinkinboysneverflush #splishsplash #bigtoddlerbelly

This little footprint is in my kitchen sink. #makesmesmile #staylittleforever

She cleaned her plate tonight!! #yumyum #alldone #smallbutmighty

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