Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May Madness

I can almost equate May being as busy as the holiday season!!  Everything is wrapping up all at once and we're running around like crazies trying to be at every single event.

The first weekend in May, Brooklyn had her POM recital.  She has really enjoyed this class put on by one of the QC pommies that lives in our ward.  It's a little different than the ballet side of things she has been used to, but it's fun to watch her perform.  She gets this little smile on her face that she tries to hide but it's very evident that she's having a good time.

All these girls are from our ward ~
MacKenzie Anderson, Brooklyn, Kylee Turner, Kaitlin Curtin
Just Brooklyn's class (she's in the back middle)

Both POM classes (she's front and center)


The kids had their Spring piano recital!  I guess that means that they've been taking piano lessons for just over a year now.  It's fun to hear them progress in their musical abilities.  Each kid is so different; Gavin looks at the music and just plays.  He doesn't really look at his fingers.  Blake memorizes the songs really easily and quickly without much practice but looks at his hands most of the time.  Weeks will go by and he won't touch the piano at all.  Brooklyn pokes around until she finds the right starting place, she doesn't just look at the notes and know where to put her hands.  She is the most diligent about practicing.

(ugh, I can only get Gavin's video to upload!!)

The kids with their teacher, Sister Moak


Jen, Kristin and I had the opportunity to plan and throw a baby shower for Matt's sister, who is finally pregnant after battling fertility issues for the last 9ish years.  She is due in July with a baby girl and we're so excited for her and Mike!!

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