Friday, August 17, 2012

{8} months

Here's Hayda-bug at eight months old!!
Chomping on Sophie the Giraffe
While I was taking Hayden's pictures, Preston wanted a picture with her.  He can be a tad rough with his little sister, but she loooooooves Preston!  I wish her hand wasn't blocking their faces here. 
Speaking of how much Preston loves Hayden, I found this on the back of her leg when I went to change her diaper one day!!  I'm glad he's watching out for her!

Since she is sitting up well at home, I thought we'd try sitting up in the shopping cart.  The first time was at Target (of course) and it didn't go so well.  She kept falling over and was pretty unhappy.
The next time was at Costco and I think she felt more cozy with Preston sitting right next to her. :)  She did great that time! (sad about this blurry pic)
Hayden is taking swimmy baths in my big bathtub now.  Her very first one was during our cabin trip last month.  She loves being free to splash and wiggle around and I like it because I don't get as soaked. ;)
It's not surprising she loves the bath so much because she sure has loved the pool this summer!
 Oh those baby blues~  Matt's genes pulled through one final time, hallelujah!
A few weeks ago, Hayden started doing this crazy back bend thingy where she lifts up on her feet and HEAD!  This picture doesn't do the height justice because her outfit is baggy.  It's been nearly impossible to catch on camera (not blurry) so I had to have Preston help me by dangling my phone for her to go after.
Laundry helper
 Opening night of the Olympics, such a little doll!!
She has 7 teeth now, and it looks like she'll have a big gap between her two front teeth, just like Preston!  Those two top chompers look so giant!
She thinks she's such a big girl now, pulling up to things on her knees~  I'm not ready for this!!!  I already forgot how you have to keep EVERYTHING up off the floor and vacuum EVERY day because she will find every.single.speck on the floor and put it in her mouth!
I about had a heart attack when I saw her pulling up in her crib like this! She has a death grip on those rails!
Her favorite place these days is under the kitchen table!  She likes to slap the tile floor and does circles around the island.
She's doing well eating purees, I'm still lacking the consistency of feeding her every day, though.  Poor fifth kid gets the shaft!  Dinner time is the craziest time of the day and I just forget that she's supposed to be eating real food too!  The other night, we did breakfast for dinner and I broke up part of a pancake and put  it on her tray.  She did pretty good with it!
I feel like my baby time is slipping right through my fingers.  She's going to be a 'toddler' in just a few short months!  I've loved every second of this sweet little girl since the day she came into our lives and it's so fun watching her discover the world around her, but can she stay little forever, please??

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