Tuesday, October 16, 2012

~Hayden~ 10 months

Here's a quick peek at our little sis at 10 months old:

Ooooooh, is she getting sassy!!
 But still soooooo sweet!
I gave her her first little bitty piggie up top today! Love love love!!

She's an expert stair climber and if that gate is left open, up she goes!  She's FAST too!

And she likes to get in this cupboard where we keep our couch blankets

She's starting to get brave and stands for a second on her own.

She mimics sounds- mamamama, dadadadada, neh-neh-neh, clicking her tongue (tried to get a video but was unsuccessful)

She does that ADORABLE scrunchy-face, sniffy-nose thing that I have yet to catch on camera!!

Here she is kissing herself in the mirror of one of her books~ so cute!

Charlie (one of my parent's dogs) loves to have things thrown and to go fetch them.  Well, he brought this hacky sack shell over and dropped it right by Hayden like he expected her to throw it for him!  

This picture is blurry (phone pic), but too funny to leave out!!  Wearing Uncle Cody's clown wig and none too happy about it!  Such mean parents!

The fan blowing her hair around

A lot of times while she's nursing, she plays with/pulls on her own hair

Wow!  I guess that was a lot of talk about hair!  Haha!

We still are over the moon in love with our little baby girl!  She lights up our days and our family just feels complete with her here.

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