Monday, August 3, 2015

Back to School!

This is one of those years that I absolutely was not ready for the kids to go back to school yet.  It's practically a crime that our kids start school in JULY!!!  Well at least the younger two did....  The twins followed close behind, with their first day today.

Preston could.not.wait to be at school the whole day because he gets to take a lunch!  I kept teasing him that I signed him up for half day first grade so he could still eat lunch with me every day.

I know I won't get away with this much longer!!

Even though Legacy is K-8, we have decided to move Brooklyn and Blake over to Heritage Academy in Queen Creek.  This has not been an easy decision by any means.  We are trying to think long term with this choice.  It'll be a completely different high school experience than what Matt and I had and this means they'll be wearing uniforms their entire high school career.  As a parent, you're always hoping that you've made the best choice for your kids.  The Gateway campus has only been open for a couple years, but based off the popularity and prestige of the long-standing Mesa campus, I don't doubt that everyone will be happy with this arrangement.  The class schedule is unique in that they have a block schedule- 4 classes on M/W, 4 classes on T/Th, no school on Friday EVER.  Not sure how I feel about that, yet.  It will take some getting used to, but I'm hoping I can use it to my advantage every once in awhile!

And then there was one!!  It's just me and Hayden, ALL DAY LONG!!  I'm looking forward to doing whatever we want during the day!

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