{all the turkey cousins, minus baby Samuel}
Afterward, we stopped by my parents' house to visit with them for a bit. My dad and I have had this tradition, I guess you can call it, that every time I'm pregnant, we take a "belly shot" together. It's always around the holidays since I've only been pregnant the same time of the year every time. (apparently we got the wrong pose this time... gonna have to fix that) ((and I can't believe the variance in my shape/weight between pregnancies! eek!))

We got a serious case of the giggles, so bad we were crying!
Black Friday shopping (really on Thursday)--- I wasn't gonna do it this year. Maybe it was the Target Lady that made me do it. ;)
First of all, I was kinda miffed that the stores that I've previously shopped at were ALL opening at midnight. How could I stagger my shopping, hit each store and get everything I wanted??? Not possible. WalMart's sales (except for electronics) was starting at 10pm, which after a looooong Thanksgiving day, that didn't include a nap for this 9 month preggo lady, did not sound appealing. Plus there wasn't really anything in the ads that I just HAD to have. There were definitely items I could spend my money on, but didn't know if it was worth the hassle.
When I told Matt I was thinking about skipping out on it entirely, he almost had a heart attack since I've been so die-hard the last few years. This year, because of my non-planning, we didn't have someone to stay with the kids so I would be on my own and that's no fun either. Matt convinced me to go out anyway, but I felt silly for going for so few trivial items. I ended up meeting up with a few friends and we saved places in line, divided and conquered to make sure we all got what we wanted and managed to have a good time! I was home and in bed shortly after 2am, which almost seems better than having to get UP at 2am to head out and start shopping! I guess the tradition lives on after all! Too bad I didn't get any pics though.