This is a conglomerate posting of little random things I've missed blogging about.
Back a few months ago, I mentioned to Matt that for my 30th birthday, I wanted our front yard done. Such an old lady thing to say, right? I have enough "stuff." I'm trying to get RID of "stuff." What I really want is progress around the house; painting, decor, furniture, yard. We talked to a guy in our ward who does landscape design as his profession and got the ball rolling. The day after our anniversary, the one where I was down and out with strep, was the day our yard was put in. I've wanted grass in the front since we moved in because it's so much more warm and inviting than rocks and scraggly desert bushes.
Such a HUGE difference!!! We still need to put flowers in the flowerbed just in front of the porch.
The same day the yard was going on, Blake participated in his second karate tournament. I was soooooo sad to miss this!!! I was trying to figure out a way to go but I was just miserable so I sent Matt and Blake off without me. Last year, he only competed in one event, open handed kata, but this year, he added a weapons kata and sparring. Blake got 2nd place
(out of two kids, minor details) in the weapons kata and was thrilled to get a trophy!!! He took 4th place in open handed kata and got matched with a Goliath in sparring and was out the first round.
The boys are OBSESSED with Skylanders, a Wii game that they got for Christmas. At first, I couldn't find any of the additional characters in stores at all. Apparently they were a hot holiday item! I kept searching high and low and after several months, we've managed to amass a pretty good collection of these gremlin looking guys. Blake insists that we MUST have EVERY character and somehow, I've given in. I have a small problem where sometimes I have to have every piece to something and so I guess it has become an obsession for me! There are a total of 32 characters and I think we're only missing two that are extremely rare to find. I don't even want to admit how much $$ I've dropped on these stupid little creatures.

And another GOOD obsession for Blake has been reading. I can't slow him down and we have to MAKE him put books down so we can eat or get ready for school. I like to tease him by saying, "Stop reading, Blake, or you're going to be in time out!!" ;) He finishes books so quickly and is always asking if I have another one for him. I pulled out the first book of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series to take with us to the cabin over spring break, and since then (one month ago), he's finished 7 books. And these aren't piddy little books. They are between 300-500 pages!!! He has loved reading these Percy Jackson books and is frequently spouting off info about Greek gods and their Roman counterparts. I think Harry Potter is up next on the list for him to read. I love it!