Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Friday, all mothers were invited to Gavin's kindergarten class where they gave us Mommy Makeovers including blush, eyeshadow, lipstick, fingernail polish(!!!) and lotion.  Gavin went easy on me, thank goodness!  Some of the mommies weren't so lucky, haha.  He gave me a little book that they had written and colored in and a magnet photo of themselves, on mismatched day no less!  They served us muffins, fruit and lemonade.  Gavin was so sweet and I loved every second of it!

I love all the cute homemade cards that come from the kids.  The boys woke me from a dreaming slumber  this morning, surprising me with breakfast in bed, which I promptly brought back downstairs so I could eat with my family. ;)

Matt drove me down to the Verizon store yesterday to buy my Mother's Day gift, a shiny new iPhone since my Droid had pretty much bitten the dust.

For my Mother's Day flowers, I got some pretty marigolds added to the vincas in the flowerbed out front!

I wrote something along these lines in the card I gave my mom for Mother's Day --- The longer I am a mother, the more new experiences and stages I encounter with my kids, the more I appreciate my mom and all she did for us growing up.

As a child, even until the time you leave your parents' home, you don't realize how MUCH mothers do for their children and to keep the household running.  Aside from the teaching and nurturing that goes on, there's the endless cleaning, cooking, laundry, running errands, homework, shuttling kids to extracurricular activities, all while maintaining sanity.  I am grateful for the opportunity I've been given to be a mother to five beautiful children, even though it is the hardest job I've ever had.  Most days, I climb into bed feeling pretty inadequate and I'm just praying that I'm doing a good enough job.

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