Monday, March 31, 2014

All the rest of March~

Gilbert Temple dedication, Sunday March 2, 2014.  Baptized members ages 8 and up were permitted to attend with a special recommend.  Glad Blake, Brooklyn and Gavin could go with us!
We had our white handkerchiefs embroidered by Sister Carol Barney in our ward!
Such a wonderful keepsake.
Matt's office moved locations, just a couple streets over and for the Grand Opening, they had @TheGrilledCheeseTruck there for staff, patients and family!  Luckily the big kids had a half day so we were all able to go see the new office.

Blake got his "date" with Great Grandma Hamilton!!  When I was reminding him to use his manners and take care of her, he said, "That will be easy, Mom, I have a soft spot for Grandma."

This was the sight on our bench today at church (3/16/14), everyone loves Daddy!  Matt was released from the bishopric and called into the stake Young Men's presidency.  We are happy to have him back on the bench with us but it is very bittersweet.  He has loved serving the people of the Ironwood Ward alongside Bishop McLeod and Bro Fairbanks.  I was also released as Activity Day leader and Primary pianist and called to be Primary chorister.  Eek, a little nervous for that one!

My two munchkinlanders in their green~ #littleleprechauns #stpattysday #nopincheshere

 A morning well spent with sister-in-laws, a session at the Gilbert temple

Gavin finished his animal report on the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake!  He even had a real rattle to display on his poster!!

These girls can be wild and crazy but I sure love every one of them!  We had a party at the park today (during a random dust storm) for my last day as an Activity Day leader for the 8-9 yr old girls in our ward.  Pictured~ Kylee Turner, Kendra Nelson, Peyton Whipple, Piper Merrill, Cassie Olsen, Elizabeth Solomon, Caedence Thornes, Bailey Anderson, Kate Oitzman

 Finished off our weekend by attending the General Women's Broadcast with this girly!!  My emotions were close to the surface and my heart was full as I realized the great responsibility of raising valiant daughters (and sons) in these, the last days.  The Spirit was so powerful in testifying the message of walking the covenant path of the Lord.  I'm grateful I had the opportunity to attend, with my sweet Brooklyn, who is turning into a beautiful young lady!!

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