Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thoughts on finishing my second half marathon

I missed running.  A lot.

I never thought, in my life, that I'd utter those words.

Or these =  I ran ANOTHER half marathon.

Once I ran my first, I knew I'd run another.  And it won't by my last.

A couple girls from the ward (and former ward) have been running for awhile with a couple other ladies.  They casually mentioned that I should join them in training for the Phoenix Marathon, and while I passed on the marathon, I agreed to train for the half.

I started running with them in October.  At first, I struggled to keep up with them.  We ran three times a week- short runs every Tuesday and Thursday night and long runs every Saturday morning.  They pushed me faster and further than I thought I could go.  And then I could keep up with them.  Most days, I didn't feel like running, but I always felt SO good once I did!  Endorphins, they're real!  Night runs were hard for me; my tummy is full and I'm exhausted from the day, not an ounce of energy left.  But Saturday mornings, I felt like I could just run and run and run!  As long as I had someone to talk with to distract me from thinking about distance! ;)

We ran in the dark {a lot}, we ran in the cold, we ran in the rain.  I got all the necessary running gear- my Garmin watch, headlamp and reflective vest for night runs, compression sleeves for my calves, which always get so tight, awesome earbuds for my iPod that stay in.
Ran in the rain!!

Wearing BLUE for #megsmiles

Took Matt along for a night run

Time after time, the girls tried to convince me to train for the marathon with them, that I could do it.  They had been running consistently for years and I was only getting back into running again.  While I probably could have finished, I didn't want to push my body past the limit and I just wanted to do a REALLY GOOD half marathon.

I set my goal at completing in under 2 hours (9:09min/mile pace).  I felt REALLY well prepared for this race.  Even then, I was a nervous wreck the day before!!  Didn't help that the forecast called for 100% chance of rain!  And I was a little worried that I'd be by myself the whole time.  Well, meaning that I didn't have any of my running girls to keep me moving.  I carb-loaded and hydrated and went to bed early.  I was so anxious the whole day before and couldn't think of anything else but the race.

Morning came early- we had to leave at 3:15am to drive up there and catch the bus to the start line.  I found another doctor that Matt works with (how random out of THAT MANY people!), that was also running the half marathon, so we chatted nervously while we waited for the race to start.  I found my pacer, got my tunes going and my watch all set to go.  The rain started coming down just before start time and I was a little worried I'd be sopping wet and freezing if it continued.  I got started really quickly, but had to remind myself to keep steady; all the people that were sprinting off, I'd be passing in a couple miles when they lost steam.

Coming up about mile 4, that's where I saw my family- Matt & the kids, my Mom & Dad, my mother-in-law & father-in-law.  I started getting emotional immediately hearing them cheer me on!  Had to remind myself to breath.
Pink hat, running in the pack
I can't really describe how the rest of the run went.  I paid attention to my watch, probably a little too much, but the pacer girl was really messing with my head.  Thankfully, it only sprinkled a few times during the run and I actually found myself appreciating the cool weather, rather than battling with heat.  I never really felt like I had to push myself and all of a sudden, we were at mile 11, coming into the home stretch.  I had been working on my closing speed and knew I could run at a 8:30min/mile pace the last mile.  I felt AMAZING as I crossed the finish line, knowing I had reached my goal.  My official time was 1:58:50.  Barely squeaked in, but 1:10 is a big deal to a runner.  I DID IT!!!

Matt & the kids waiting at the finish
There I am!
Running pictures are not flattering.  haha

My cherished medal!
With my mom and dad post-race
So grateful to Matt for all his support and always encouraging me through my training.
Five cutest cheerleaders
And THEY did it!!!!  Annie, Katie, Becky & Nicole finished the marathon!!!  26.2 miles, 4+ hours of running!   I seriously could not have asked for better running girls.  We kept each other sane, through lots and lots of miles!
Nicole Cronin, Annie Duran, me, Katie Bodell, Becky Hatch
I'm hoping this time, I can keep the running up and be prepared to run more races here and there.  I will definitely run this half again, but am really hoping to participate in my first Ragnar with these girls next year!

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

Way to go Lindsay!! Such an awesome accomplishment.