Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hayden is POTTY TRAINED!!!

Oh HAPPY DAY!  Our house is diaper-free fooooooooooorrrrrrrevvvvvvvvverrrrrrrr!!!!

Two weeks ago, I finally decided to bite the bullet and start potty training Hayden.  It's my LEAST favorite parenting task.  I knew she was ready but it's always a little scary to commit 100%.  Especially when staying home for a solid week is practically impossible when it's the middle of baseball season!!

I stocked up on panties, made a sticker chart with her favorite characters (Frozen) and had the potty treat all ready to go.  We chose Startburst jellybeans, since Hayden loves those as much as her mommy does! ;)  I also had grand prize waiting for when potty training was complete.

My theory is cold turkey, straight to panties.  I remind or ask, but don't push.

I cannot believe how fast she caught on!!!  Of course she had accidents.  I even surprised myself with how patient I stayed.  I do NOT like having to clean up one more mess!

1 week later (FB)- This girly has done absolutely amazing with potty training!!  Look at her chart after one week!  She's taking herself to the potty, we've been out in public several times and she's starting dry during nap time and nighttime!  No accidents for the past two days, we're so close to being diaper free FOREVER!!  My favorite things are when she tells me, "Can you go away?" when she's gonna poor, her joyful, "I did it!"' every time she goes, and when she claps for ME when I go potty!
tired of me taking photos!

2 weeks later- No accidents in a week, I think it's safe to say that she's potty trained!  Pretty sure she was my fastest potty trainee yet!  My baby is a big girl!  Way to go Hayden!
She got her Elsa doll!

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