Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween time!

We had our ward Halloween trunk or treat last Friday night, the typical chili/hot dogs/corn bread affair.  Hayden was SOOOOOOOO excited to finally wear her Minnie Mouse costume!

Gavin (silver) and Preston (red) both decided to be Power Rangers.

We looked through a loooong list of costumes to find something appropriate for Brooklyn.  She decided on this beauty pirate.

Blake's costume all started from the "helmet" that Uncle Cody gave to him before he left on his mission.  Matt and Blake worked together to construct the rest of the Diamond Armor (Minecraft) costume.  All the kids Blake's age knew exactly what he was!

Cody Owen & Blake
Gavin & Joshua Thornes
Bentley Owen & Preston
Piper & Addison Merrill, Ainsley Beagley, MacKenzie Anderson, Madelyn Oitzman
Marissa Bassett, Claire Nugent, Kaitlyn Shiflet, Brooklyn
Our little hobbit... always barefoot!

I'm always torn what to do every Halloween- stay home and pass out candy?  Or go out with the kids?  This year, we were meeting up with friends to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood, so I decided to go out.  I put candy and glow sticks on the porch in a bucket with instructions to only take one of each. :)  It was crazy warm that evening!  We pretty much did the back half of our neighborhood then the older boys went out a little longer with the dads.  The kids buckets were filled to the brim!

Trick or Treat!!!!

Happy Halloween!!!

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