Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Break + a little before

We stayed here during Fall Break this year because we have "other things planned" for later this month. *wink wink*

Brooklyn had her first company performance of the year, halftime at the Queen Creek High School football game.  (during which there were three streakers!!!!)  This was also the last time her cute little friend Kaitlin would be dancing since their family will be moving to Utah.  We will miss them a lot!!!

Matt took Blake on a little father/son overnighter to Reavis Ranch, Friday to Saturday.  He will do a separate blog on that. :)

General Conference was FAB!  So many talks I was like, "Yes!  Yes!!  Yes!!!"  I was scribbling notes like a mad woman!  Thankfully, the kids did pretty good at being quiet and attentive so I was able to listen. :)
{Note to self- double the frosting next time}
{Sunday morning conference snooze}
Monday afternoon, we decided to use our Pogo passes and took the whole family bowling.  We had a LOT of fun!!  Hayden was so cute, insisting that she carry her PINK {6 lb.} ball, all by herself!  And her tiny little bowling shoes were the most adorable thing, even though she took them off about a thousand times!
notice the bare feet^

We had a rainy day during the week and I came downstairs to quiet.  The front door was open and this little {naked} lady was ACROSS the street, dancing in the gutter!!!  Oh man.  LOL!

We attempted to go to the zoo on Friday, but unfortunately, one million other people also had the same idea.  We could not even find a parking spot!  Good thing it's only a 35 minute drive each way..... grrrrr.  Decided to go to JumpStreet instead and bounced ourselves silly for a couple hours.  Preston has a hard time at this place because he's not old enough to do any of the "big kid" stuff and it stuck with all the toddlers.

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