Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Ends

I finished up another BeachBody fitness program, PiYo.  This was unlike any of the workouts I had done before, a Pilates/Yoga fusion.  I've never done yoga anything so I wasn't sure what to expect.  It was a huge change of pace coming off of T25, but I loved the chance to slow down and be able to relax.  Don't get me wrong, I wasn't snoozing my way through- this program was low impact, but intense!  At first, I was afraid I wouldn't get a good workout, but boy was I wrong!!  And by the second week, I already noticed a difference in my balance and flexibility.  I also have never had a lot of upper body strength and this program changed that!  Lots of tricep pushups and planking!  Often times, Matt and I will send each other sweaty selfies after we workout.
^^^^  Hellooooooo shoulder muscles!!!
Hayden decided to hop on my back during this series, just gave a little extra resistance! ;)
She's a pretty good little workout buddy, even if she thinks we should take off our shirts! ;)
Gross picture, but here you can see the sweat literally DRIPPING off my nose while in plank!
Last Day of PiYo! ~8weeks~
Kick thru (top right)  PiYo Flip (bottom)
Other random pictures and events during the month--------
She needed a band-aid... #orseven #princessobsessed
Playing at our new neighborhood splash pad!! #stillhot #staycool
Cody went through the temple to receive his endowments (9/9/14)
This guy is now has his very own orthotics.  Because of his flat feet, (*ahem* Daddy)
the tendons in his lower leg are inflamed, basically causing perpetual shin splints.
So glad we finally got down to the bottom of this! #nomoreflipflops
Hayden has been really into making everyone over with the
little felt makeup playset aunt Jen gave her when she was born
And then she moved on to the real stuff!  All little girls do it.
She was unsure about it once I had her look in the mirror!  LOL!
Brooklyn & Gavin were both awarded for the characteristic trait of Respect for the first grading period!
Way to go, Patriots!
Best place for a Friday night day! #dontmindmattshalo #gilberttemple
This is the crew of girls we had with us for the General Women's broadcast~
Brooklyn, Morgan Bodell, Caedence Thornes, Kylee Turner, Kate Oitzman,
Addison Merrill, Madelyn Oitzman, Piper Merrill and Jurnee Thornes
I made Joshua a Matilda cake for his birthday :)
This was Hayden's spot while we shopped at Sprouts!
Doesn't seem too comfortable!
Book Fair! #ineedmorebookshelves
#boysloveminecraft #toddlertantrums

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