Sunday, February 7, 2016


Brooklyn and Blake's birthday landed on a Friday, which meant no school that day!  Blake probably didn't care, but Brooklyn was sad that she didn't get to be with all her cute little friends.  And I love that Blake wore his "Brooklyn" shirt on their birthday!  Maybe it was a subconscious thing.

We started off the day with an orthodontist appointment!  I know, I'm such a nice mother!  Gotta take those appointments when we can get them!

 They agreed upon Zupas for lunch, can you tell our family is a big fan of this place??!

Probably the biggest disappointment of the day was that the end of the year basketball team party was scheduled for the night of their birthday.  Brooklyn was pretty upset that their "birthday" cake looked like this!!  At least we put candles in it and had everyone sing to them!

We did gifts once we got home, kinda late.  I joked with Brooklyn that it was too late to do birthday gifts by then and she didn't think that was very funny!  The packages are getting smaller and fewer  yet the cost of their wish lists gets more and more expensive!
New cases for their iPod touches
Playing grandpa's "forehead guessing game"
Prismacolor pencils for art
Super Smash Bros Brawl for the 3DS.  But I don't have a 3DS!
A 3DS!!!
An Instax (poloroid) camera!
and tickets to see the Sleeping Beauty ballet!
I think they're pretty happy with their gifts!
Tonight we had the family over for Sunday dinner so we had their "official" birthday cake and they got to blow out candles again!

I can't believe we've reached teenager-hood!  Every year seems to go by faster than the last.  We're treading new waters as parents and I pray that we can all make it through with as few bumps as possible!  It's so fun (and challenging) to see these kids developing into their own little selves. Managing feelings and emotions and personal relationships is hard work and I have to remember that they're still learning to navigate this big world around them!  I'm excited to see what this next year will bring for these two! Love you lots, Blake & Brooklyn!

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