Sunday, January 31, 2016

January things

When you finish running 6 miles and then just wanna die on the grass in your front yard...
Super proud of her new CTR ring she got in Primary!
Sick girl at Urgent Care in jammies with her blankie
And there you have it! 100K miles on the Suburban!
Still not feeling well, still wearing her CTR ring.
I think her sucking her finger has dissolved the bone!  Look how far back her finger is bent!
It's been raining this entire week but we must do it anyway!  I love running in the rain!
Blake got BRACES today!! 1/8/16

A rare moment when these two sit by each other in peace!
Sometimes they do twinny things and I must document.
Today they ended up getting the EXACT same score on Ticket to Ride!
Phoenix Suns basketball game with Matt's office crew.
One of the MDs spoiled the boys with these mini basketballs!
Expander OFF!!  1/18/16
Hayden's first attempt at writing her name! 3 yrs old
We're ready!  Cards post-season
(from Instagram)
8am church is hard.  It's hard to drag five kids out of bed and make it to church on time.  However, I love being done so early in the day and the fact that we actually get Matt home by 2pm!  Today after church, the kids and I each wrote down three things we can do to prepare to be at church on time and three things we can do to keep the Sabbath day more holy.  We will be working hard on those goals to bring more peace into our home on Sunday.  We also were privileged to attend a fireside this evening at which Al Fox Carroway (aka the Tattooed Mormon) spoke.  I love her conversion story and her enthusiasm for the gospel!  It's good to be reminded that Heavenly Father knows each one of us and is keenly aware of our needs and desires.  I kinda get giddy when I get to sit by Matt at churchy things! 
New shoes make running 10 miles a little more exciting! ;)

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