Monday, December 17, 2007

Who spends $40 on M&Ms??

Apparently we do!! One of the highlights of the Christmas season for Matt is MINT M&Ms. I've bought a bag here and there for him this year but just like last year, he wanted to stock up on MINT M&Ms before they are gone for another year. Every time I've been to WalMart, Target, the grocery store, I've looked for MINT M&Ms and I couldn't find them anywhere! Matt thought he was going to die from MINT M&M withdrawals. ;) Just kidding! I decided to stop by the Target closest to us on Saturday night and lo and behold, there are the MINT M&Ms that Matt is craving so badly!! I called him up, asked him how many bags of MINT M&Ms he wanted and he asked me how many bags there were. Up at the front, there were 17 bags, so he said, "All of them!!" I found a bigger stash in the back, so I added 3 more bags to the pile to make it an even 20 bags of MINT M&Ms! I was quite embarrassed at the checkout line as I put my basket with 20 bags of MINT M&Ms and mascara for me onto the conveyor belt! Thank goodness they were only $2 a bag, not the $2.79 that it said on the shelf! I hope Matt is happy that I love him so much to search high and low for his beloved MINT M&Ms!! The things we do to keep our husbands happy!!! Now we'll just see how long 20 bags of MINT M&Ms last! ;) Any guesses?


Carrie Anne said...

Okay so I completely understand Matt's mentality, because that is SO ME! They don't sell them at Walmart EVER and they're only available at Target (unless they are sold out every freaking time!) or little drug stores where they are way over priced!:) Last year in Cleveland I spent an entire gift card from family on Mint M&Ms and put them in our food storage. It's funny how they just do not last long enough! This is hilarious! I'm glad you got the deal!:)

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I'm gonna guess they're gone by Valentine's Day.

mad white woman said...

21 days of course, a bag for each day minus christmas, he'll get enough other sweets then!

Trenda said...

I have never tried them! I will keep my eye out! I guess they will be gone in about 5 months!

Courtney said...

That is SO awesome!! One time my favorite cereal went on sale at Albertson's for $0.50 a box...I bought 20 of them. We had cereal stuffed everywhere :)