I just love the hustle and bustle of the holiday season!! I took Brooklyn and Blake out one evening to do some Christmas shopping for their cousins, with whom they are exchanging gifts with. I tried to let them have control over what the cousin would receive, but it ended up being more like them choosing from a couple options I gave them! ;) And I'm happy to report that I'm very close to being DONE with my Christmas shopping!!

Matt and I had the opportunity to go out on a date last Friday night (thanks Britt for watching the kids!) with Matt's brother, Derek, and his wife, Kristin. It was a rainy night, but it's been soooo long since Matt and I had been on a date (not meaning some function we had to attend) that I didn't care! We ate at El Paso BBQ, which was yummy, then headed over to the movie theater to watch August Rush. WAY good movie! I'd recommend it to everyone and anyone! It's not a total chick flick, even guys can enjoy this one too! ;)
I brought out the Christmas decorations and Brooklyn and Blake were quick to put on their Santa hats and their Christmas aprons, so I decided that we needed to do some baking. I made banana nougat cookies, of course, and tried to let them help as much as possible. Sometimes it's hard for me to do that because I can do it much quicker myself and usually, it's a lot cleaner of a process! I didn't have to worry for long, they lost interest pretty quickly. ;) I love holiday baking and taking goodies around to our friends and neighbors!PURGING
We still have boxes stacked around our apartment and the decorating is still not done. Makes me feel rather detached from this place. But, much to Matt's chagrin, I'm sure, I've been bringing even MORE boxes into our house, trying to clean out and get rid of things. My latest
I attempted to take pictures for our Christmas card yesterday (thanks again to Brittney for helping me out!) and I was exhausted after 20 minutes!! 215 pictures to choose from and only about 3 decent of all three kids together!!! Why can't kids just manage to look AT the camera and SMILE?!??!? Blake was by far the worst! Looking in every which way BUT at the camera, slouching, and if he DOES look at the camera, it's some crazy, cheesy smile that is no way gracing our Christmas card! At least I managed to get an acceptable one.... grrrr. And no previews yet. You'll just have to wait! ;)
I think that will about do it for now! I promise to be better!
i think it'd be fun to send out a picture of your kids all looking in different directions. ha ha. :) i have a hard enough time with ONE... oh the fun that lies ahead.
Sounds about like my life lately! I always tell myself I'm going to get all the christmas stuff done early so I can enjoy the holidays, but like always I feel overloaded and stressed to get everything done! Yeah for making so much money on the clothes! I've been selling stuff on e-bay, and it's been fun!
I don't think you're the only one who has slowed down your blogging. It's just a busy time - especially with still settling in and being back around your fam. My Mom told me August Rush was good too. I'll have to catch it on video. Not sure when we'll get another date night that doesn't already involve an obligation.
Our Brunch with Santa with our ward is this Saturday. I'll have to let you know how it compares to AP. I doubt they can outdo us though. ;oP
I recommended "August Rush" to my in-laws (because of what you said)...they loved it! Thanks!
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