Can you solve the puzzle???

I know, I know, we weren't going to find out the gender. And up until that day, I was firm in my answer that I didn't want to find out. It was such a neat experience last pregnancy, finding out it was a boy right there in the OR. And I wanted to have that experience again.
But, the honest truth was that I was dying for another baby girl. I was starting to feel like I'd actually be disappointed if it wasn't a girl! How horrible is that!!!!??!? Our feelings were different this time. Matt wanted to find out because he was also hoping for a girl. Right on the ultrasound table, he convinced me that we should find out and I'm actually glad we did. I just know that I would have built my hopes up until the big day, thinking that it might be a girl and then I would have been upset that it wasn't. I was a slight bit disappointed when we saw those tell-tale boy parts and it took a couple days to sink in. But a little retail therapy helped that ;) (can't pass up clearance on cute babyGap clothes!) and I'm really excited for our baby boy!!
Now we start the name game.... it's gonna be a process!! We have a tough time with boy names!
Here I am just a couple days shy of the midway mark! I've definitely popped already, which is earlier than my last pregnancies, and I pretty sure I'm gonna be HUGE when all is said and done!!