Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Are we ready??

GiNoRmOuS backpacks – check

Character lunch boxes *grumblegrumble* w/ ice packs – check

School supplies {folders, #2 pencils, crayons, glue sticks} – check

Oodles of cute new clothes – check

New shoes, socks and undies/panties – check

Two FIVE and A HALF year olds that are WAY excited to start kindergarten!! – check

We’ve got it ALL!!!

I can’t believe that in less than one week, my babies will be going off to school!!!! I have total mixed feelings about the whole thing, which, I hear, is completely normal. Brooklyn and Blake are just so young and naïve and I just want to wrap them up tight and keep them that way forever!! I’m afraid of what (bad) things they might hear and/or learn from their classmates. I’m nervous about them being capable of making it 6 ½ hours through the day without me by their side.

The other day while Blakey was snuggling me, I asked him, “Do you want to go to school or stay at home and play with mommy all day.” He instantly replied, “Go to school!” Awh. :(

I'm really going to miss them, but they are SO ready to be in a classroom and learn!


Carrie Anne said...

i can't believe our kids are old enough for kindergarten! where did the time go? i can't believe it's already the beginning of school! wow!
how is breaking dawn? i can't wait to read it!!!

Trenda said...

I cant believe your kids are starting either! Cade still has 2 years before he starts because of a sept. b-day. The way he's been acting lately, I'd like to send him off tomorrow! Looks like you have been having fun getting ready!

Marissa said...

I can't believe they are starting Kindergarten...where has the time gone? Good luck with everything, I know it will all be ok!

mad white woman said...

Four years to prepare for Clara going to Kindergarten doesn't seem like enough time... In fact, the thought makes me want to cry!

I'm in the middle of Breaking Dawn. Who knew I'd get so wrapped up in a story?

Congratulations to Matt. I totally need an eye doctor. Well, I have one that I've seen once and I'd be happy to switch. Where's his office?