Can you solve the puzzle???

I know, I know, we weren't going to find out the gender. And up until that day, I was firm in my answer that I didn't want to find out. It was such a neat experience last pregnancy, finding out it was a boy right there in the OR. And I wanted to have that experience again.
But, the honest truth was that I was dying for another baby girl. I was starting to feel like I'd actually be disappointed if it wasn't a girl! How horrible is that!!!!??!? Our feelings were different this time. Matt wanted to find out because he was also hoping for a girl. Right on the ultrasound table, he convinced me that we should find out and I'm actually glad we did. I just know that I would have built my hopes up until the big day, thinking that it might be a girl and then I would have been upset that it wasn't. I was a slight bit disappointed when we saw those tell-tale boy parts and it took a couple days to sink in. But a little retail therapy helped that ;) (can't pass up clearance on cute babyGap clothes!) and I'm really excited for our baby boy!!
Now we start the name game.... it's gonna be a process!! We have a tough time with boy names!
Here I am just a couple days shy of the midway mark! I've definitely popped already, which is earlier than my last pregnancies, and I pretty sure I'm gonna be HUGE when all is said and done!!
I so KNOW that feeling - I just had it the other way. I was hoping for a boy. Once it all sinks in, you always realize there's a reason you're having what you're having and it's a good thing.
BTW - You look fabUlous!
Very cute. I loved the T-shirt and undies action! Congrats on cutie boy.
You look great Lindsay!
Congrats on a healthy baby . . . that's really the most important thing! Love the shirts!
Lindsay, you look so darn cute! And I know exactly how you feel except, obviously, we were hoping for a boy. That is actually the reason we decided NOT to find out what we were having. I figured, when it came down to it in the O.R. when they said "boy" or "girl" we would be so excited either way that any disappointment would have vanished. Even though we'll never know what it's like to have a boy, I'm so glad for our little girl. Congrats!
I just got back from VTing and the girl I visit said she had the Clorox sweep thing and didn't like it either. The Swiffer Sweeper does not push things into the corner. I would just say that when my floors are really bad, I have to do the dry cloths twice before moving on to the wet. That's just because it gets so much stuff that it can't get more. Try it out, seriously!
Yay! I am so excited for you! congrats on the baby!
congrats to you!!! and OMG brooklyn and blake are in kindergarden???!!!
Congrats on another boy! I am very excited for you! I thought my last one was a girl too, and it was a little hard at first, but after you find out they are healthy and strong, what more can you ask for right! You look awesome, by the way!
okay you are a total hottie pregnant in that picture! why can't i look that good when i am pregnant? congratulations on having a boy...we struggle with boy names, too. James has named our boys & i have just been okay with it. but, little boys are so sweet. i wanted a girl, too, but i love having baby david, of course. retail therapy fixes everything, huh? LOVE IT!
I think that you look great! I tell you, it's that third pregnancy that does it to you. I know all about the popping early. I don't think that in the end I got that much bigger than with any other preg., but I definitely felt bigger the whole way through.
Hey, that's the same thing that happened to us...I was hoping for a girl, and ended up with another boy...I still wish I had 2 girls, but honestly, who can resist looking at a sweet little boy! Just means I'll have to try for many, many years... (:
Congrats Palmer Family!!! You look great Lindsay!!!
You look really good. And yeah for another little boy. I am always anxious to find out the sex of our babies, but this time I am trying so hard to hold out. Wish me luck.
You are seriously one of the cutest prego ladies that I know of. Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!
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