Wednesday, December 31, 2008

He's here!!!

Big sister Brooklyn and big brothers Blake and Gavin are proud to announce the arrival of

Preston Milo

Born Saturday, December 27, 2008


8lbs. 9 oz.

20.5 in.

We're all home, healthy and doing well! Everything went great with the c-section and I would have to say that was the easiest one yet, although I did have one little blip when the lovely "spinal headache" showed up on Monday. Not fun having a raging migraine the second you sit up and practically the only thing that magically helps is lying flat on your back! A quick visit from the anesthesiologist and an epidural blood patch later, I was good to go. :)

I was most surprised by the amount of hair Preston has because Gavin was pretty much bald!! And we didn't escape the funky hair "issues" with this one, either! He has a double crown on the back of his head! He's a pretty good size baby for being a week and a half early - he surely would have been over 9 lbs had I gone to term! Although 8 lbs 9 oz SOUNDS decent size, it's amazing how tiny he still is! You forget how small they start out!!! After staring at the baby and comparing pictures of the other kids as babies, we think Preston mostly looks like Blake, just darker. You can also see a bit of Gavin, so maybe a good mix of the two boys? We shall see in the next couple months who he evolves into.

Life is good and I'm so glad that we have been blessed with another tiny spirit in our home to love and care for!!

Now some pictures ~~

Last belly shot, taken right before leaving for the hospital. I know I look tired; I got less than 5 hours of sleep the night before! Oh yah, I got my hair cut a couple weeks ago, too! :)
Fresh out of the womb! Mommy, Preston and Daddy
Hanging out in recovery, waiting for MommyGavin gets to love on his new lil' bro!
Checking out the baby
Doing what newborns do best!
All dressed up and ready to go home!Not sure whether he's liking the carseat, but he was a good boy
on the way home and didn't make a peep!!
Can't get enough of this little munchkin!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

We have a DATE!!!

We'll be meeting our little mister on Saturday, December 27th!!! C-section is scheduled for 7:30am, which means we have to be there bright and early at 5:30am for prep! *yawn* I can't believe in a little over two weeks he'll really be here! No name yet either.....

Showing off the baby belly

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What a way to kick off the holiday season! :)

Last Monday night (December 1st), Brooklyn and Blake's school had their Winter Sing. They had been working on their songs for the past few weeks in music class and I was privileged to hear bits and pieces before the actual performance. ;) I fondly remember performing in the very same event, year after year, in elementary school. Now it was MY turn to have little ones up there on stage! I couldn't have been more proud!!!
On stage
Giving a big-belly "HO! HO! HO!"
(check out the cutie on the bottom far right, LOL!)
All dressed up! No smiles.Listen to these cute lil' kindergarteners!! How could this not put you in a jolly mood?? Enjoy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

On Call

Once every six weeks, Matt is required (for work) to be ON CALL for a week. Up to this point, it hasn't been too bad, just a few calls after hours, nothing serious.

The week of Thanksgiving was Matt's week to be on call. Well, he was actually supposed to be on call the week of Christmas, but he switched with another OD because I'll be hugely pregnant by then. Since the office was closed on Thursday and Friday due to Thanksgiving, people weren't able to just schedule an appointment and come into the office like they could on any other Thursday or Friday of any other week.

I am not kidding, Matt's phone must have beeped (he gets a text from a call center) a HUNDRED times that week!! We groaned OUT LOUD every time! Luckily, not every call requires a trip to the office. Some people he can just talk to and figure out how to tide them over until an appointment can be made during regular business hours. The CRAZINESS started Tuesday night when Matt had to leave just before the kids' bedtime to see a patient and he didn't return home until after 10:30pm. Thanksgiving day, he had to go down to the office TWICE. Friday, I swear it was another THREE times, including one that required us to cut our plans short with friends that evening, drive home to get Matt's car so he could go to the office, I had to drive back out to my mom's house to pick up the kids and then drive back home and get them in bed all by MYSELF when I was beyond exhausted. Yes, these people all needed care at that moment. But aren't people supposed to be EXEMPT from having emergencies over a holiday weekend??!?

I LOVE Matt and I LOVE that he LOVES his job and is dedicated 110% to helping the patients he sees to the best of his abilities. I just don't LOVE when he's on call! ;)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Twilight, the Movie Event

My little sis, Brittney, and I saw Twilight opening day. Neither of us could wait any longer than that! We caught a 9:30pm showing and I can't believe I actually stayed awake!! There were plenty of die-hards there and a couple of guys that I'm sure were dragged into coming along! I was really excited to see the movie, but I didn't go in with high expectations just because movies hardly ever do the book justice. And just a disclaimer- I'm not completely obsessed with the whole Twilight series like a lot of people are. I just really, REALLY enjoyed the books and had to see the movie! :)

All in all, I thought the movie followed the story line very well. However, I can't say that I was super impressed. It was just *eh* for me. Obvsiously low budget. Too many of the actors didn't jive with the characters I'd pictured in my head. Alice was the most perfect match, though!! How cute was she?!?!? I wanted to feel much more passion and desire between Edward and Bella. And the vamps were FREAKISHLY white!!!!! I seriously almost laughed OUT LOUD when Carlisle appeared on screen! It was like he was dipped in flour!! The first half of the movie was a little slow going but it picked up in the second half. I LOVED the baseball scene and the end of the movie was cheesy, but a perfect set up for the next movie.

Of course I'll see future movies that are released and probably buy them as well. I can't wait to see where they go with the rest of the books, especially the last one!!!