Monday, December 8, 2008

On Call

Once every six weeks, Matt is required (for work) to be ON CALL for a week. Up to this point, it hasn't been too bad, just a few calls after hours, nothing serious.

The week of Thanksgiving was Matt's week to be on call. Well, he was actually supposed to be on call the week of Christmas, but he switched with another OD because I'll be hugely pregnant by then. Since the office was closed on Thursday and Friday due to Thanksgiving, people weren't able to just schedule an appointment and come into the office like they could on any other Thursday or Friday of any other week.

I am not kidding, Matt's phone must have beeped (he gets a text from a call center) a HUNDRED times that week!! We groaned OUT LOUD every time! Luckily, not every call requires a trip to the office. Some people he can just talk to and figure out how to tide them over until an appointment can be made during regular business hours. The CRAZINESS started Tuesday night when Matt had to leave just before the kids' bedtime to see a patient and he didn't return home until after 10:30pm. Thanksgiving day, he had to go down to the office TWICE. Friday, I swear it was another THREE times, including one that required us to cut our plans short with friends that evening, drive home to get Matt's car so he could go to the office, I had to drive back out to my mom's house to pick up the kids and then drive back home and get them in bed all by MYSELF when I was beyond exhausted. Yes, these people all needed care at that moment. But aren't people supposed to be EXEMPT from having emergencies over a holiday weekend??!?

I LOVE Matt and I LOVE that he LOVES his job and is dedicated 110% to helping the patients he sees to the best of his abilities. I just don't LOVE when he's on call! ;)


mad white woman said...

Yeah, I don't get being on call. I mean, I get it, but I don't. It seems so restrictive.

Am I totally dumb? I had no clue that's why you left Friday. I just figured either you needed to get back to the babysitter or you were exhausted from your shopping adventures. :)

Matthew Palmer said...

Being on call usually is not that bad. During the week most "emergencies" can wait until morning. Also on a normal weekend Monday is not too far away so people can typically wait. The four day weekend was just too long for people to wait.

Also the setting I work in I see much more eye disease and ocular emergencies than most optometrists. To be honest, the more complex the patient, the more I enjoy seeing them. I LOVE my job!

Maren said...

UGH!! i can ready above how much he truely loves it but im sure it is so annoying and frustrating to you! plans can change any second and i couldnt handle that. i need to be more spontaneous and flexible, i guess.

Maren said...

p.s. i cant believe you only have 3 weeks left! time sure flies when its not you!!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Aaron's a nurse and therefore has worked the past two Thanksgivings at night and will be working Christmas Eve all 12-hour shifts. Sigh. It stinks. Sorry.