Preston Milo
Born Saturday, December 27, 2008
8lbs. 9 oz.
20.5 in.
Born Saturday, December 27, 2008
8lbs. 9 oz.
20.5 in.
We're all home, healthy and doing well! Everything went great with the c-section and I would have to say that was the easiest one yet, although I did have one little blip when the lovely "spinal headache" showed up on Monday. Not fun having a raging migraine the second you sit up and practically the only thing that magically helps is lying flat on your back! A quick visit from the anesthesiologist and an epidural blood patch later, I was good to go. :)
I was most surprised by the amount of hair Preston has because Gavin was pretty much bald!! And we didn't escape the funky hair "issues" with this one, either! He has a double crown on the back of his head! He's a pretty good size baby for being a week and a half early - he surely would have been over 9 lbs had I gone to term! Although 8 lbs 9 oz SOUNDS decent size, it's amazing how tiny he still is! You forget how small they start out!!! After staring at the baby and comparing pictures of the other kids as babies, we think Preston mostly looks like Blake, just darker. You can also see a bit of Gavin, so maybe a good mix of the two boys? We shall see in the next couple months who he evolves into.
Life is good and I'm so glad that we have been blessed with another tiny spirit in our home to love and care for!!
Now some pictures ~~
Last belly shot, taken right before leaving for the hospital. I know I look tired; I got less than 5 hours of sleep the night before! Oh yah, I got my hair cut a couple weeks ago, too! :)
on the way home and didn't make a peep!!
How sweet. Congratulations. I have been wondering how you are doing. Can't wait to see more pics.
Congrats. He is so cute and looks like the other boys.
Congratulations! He is so cute!
He is so cute! Lindsay, you look great. Congrats and I hope you are getting some sleep!
Congrats Lindsay and matt!!! He looks so fun and snuggly! What a great way to start '09! No better way than welcoming a new baby to your family!! Enjoy his newborn yumminess! ;) I love his name, so cute!! Congrats again!
CONGRATS Lindsay & Matt! #4!! Wow! He looks so sweet, cant wait to meet him in person:)!! What a way to celebrate the new year!
He looks so darling.Can't wait to hold him!
Congrats! He sure looks like your other kids. Oh the sweetness of a newborn.
I'm glad that eveything went well! Good luck with four kids! He is adorable.
He is very handsome. I'm glad everything went well. I was kind of hoping that Treyton would win the name choice, but I like Preston too:) He is darling and looks like a lot of fun!
Congrats you two!! Everyone looks happy. I really like your hair. You look good. Tired, but good. I still need to call you back. Let me know when are good times for you so that we won't get interrupted. He is very cute! I agree about how small they start. Even the big ones.
(This is Jennie)
Ahhh, so cute! congrats on the new addition. I too love the hair :)
Congrats! I cannot believe you are now a mother of 4! You're an inspiration!
congrats on the babe. he is so cute. i definitely see his siblings in him for sure! hope things are smooth sailing for you. i want to bring you dinner, let me know when would be best. (after the ward stops coming)
Congrats! He's a cutie! You look good too! Like the hair cut. I never saw Blake as a baby, but he reminds me a lot of Gavin. Is his hair a little reddish, or is that the lighting? Good luck, it's so fun to have a new little one around!
Congratulations! What fun to have a newborn again...and what a job too! Hope things work well for me in the middle of the night if you're bored...(unfortunately my little 5 month old won't sleep through yet!!!). (:
oh Joy! Congrats! I don't know how I missed this post...I was keeping my eyes out for it! congrats! He is beautiful and looks like your other boys to me. We had our babies about a week apart! Don't you just love newborns! I just keep smelling her and cuddling and I just want to gobble her up!
A keeper for sure! happy to help whenever - whatever. Glad the blankies work...Spence was the same way.
Do you have to change the blog name now? ;P
He's so cute! Congratulations! I love the name too.
Congrats! He is PERFECT!! What a doll! Glad you are doing well!
He is beautiful!! congrats!!
Congratulations!! He's adorable. I'm glad everything went so well.
Congratulations! I am so glad that everything went so well for you & that he is so healthy! Oh they are so sweet at this newborn age. I can't believe how fast your pregnancy went! And I love how cute you are just pop out front & don't gain anywhere else! LUCKY! Love the new hairdo!
Congrats on the baby boy! I am glad everything went well. And I echo Carrie in that you look great and I too gain weight over my whole body but you just seem to pop out a cute little bball tummy. I was never confident enough to stand in front of a camera when I was pregnant! good for you!
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