I can't believe my "baby" boy is 3 years old today!! Let's take a walk down memory lane....
6 days old
A few things about Gavin:
~ He's still sucking his thumb like there's no tomorrow!!
~ Loves to be doing whatever his big brother and sister are doing, yet loves his time alone while they are at school.
~ This kids LOVES his sleep!!! He regularly asks to go to bed at night, especially if we are out and about anywhere close to bedtime. He still takes good 2-3 hour naps EVERY day. He may complain when we first mention that it's naptime, but he never resists being put into bed!
~ Gavin is still in a crib with a crib tent. He can unzip the tent by himself but won't climb out of the crib. The whole reason we got the tent in the first place!! He's perfectly content to stay in his crib and won't let us take the tent off. We'll move him to a big boy bed after we get settled into a routine with the baby. Can't go ruining my good sleeper now! ;)
~ Not potty trained, yet. We'll be attempting this one for real very soon.
~ His vocab skills still shock strangers; he's a talker!
I feel like such a bad mother but I didn't plan anything spectacular for Gavin's birthday. We didn't go to any cool places today (although I thought about it - Bounce U, the zoo, the Phoenix Children's Museum..., if that counts for something) because frankly, I felt like I just couldn't manage with the baby and still recovering from a c-section. We did get our traditional birthday balloons, 9 to be exact. :) That was the extent of the excitement for the day. Gavin received plenty of calls from family wishing him a Happy Birthday and gifts will be doled out over the next few days.
The celebration tonight consisted of our little family, 5 gifts to open and a birthday cake made by Mommy.
Funny story about his cake - Every time we go to the grocery store (specifically Fry's Marketplace), we stop by the bakery to get a free cookie. There is a refrigerated case in front of the bakery where various cakes are displayed. Gavin always points out the carrot cakes with the little frosted carrot decorations on top. Imagine my surprise when I asked Gavin what kind of cake he wanted and he replied "a white cake with carrots on it." LOL! I wasn't about to buy a carrot cake from the store, so I made a banana cake with white frosting and made my own little carrots on top! :) Gavin was calling it his monkey carrot cake!! He was SO thrilled when I showed him the finished product!! Love that boy!
Happy Birthday to our sweet Bean!!
We love you and are so glad you are a part of our family forever!!!
That's pretty funny about the cake.
Happy birthday Gavin.
No, we didn't win the candy bar game. That mystery one was a Dark 3 Musketeer... you know the one w/ dark chocolate, marshmallow and carmel? We missed one other one too, but I can't remember which one. So much for cheating. Ha ha. :)
I totally miss that little mush. His smile seriously melts my heart. Happy Birthday Gavin.
It's sad how big they are to you when you bring home the new born. What's funny is that it wasn't really Macey that seemed so big, It made Sydney seem even bigger to me. He is so cute. I just want to pick him up and squish him. :) Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Gavin. Great idea on the cake! You would've fooled me! I hope your recovery is going well!
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