Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Preston is in the hospital

I took Preston into the pediatricians office today because he has a cold and wasn't sounding very good. Since he's so little still and it's RSV season, we wanted to be cautious. The doctor listened to his chest and they put a pulse-ox on his toe. His oxygen saturation level was at 92 so they gave him a breathing treatment. They checked his levels again and they dipped down to 87. Not good for a baby his age. All of a sudden they are talking about admitting him to the hospital and I'm starting to freak out! They called an ambulance to transport him to the hospital since he needed to be on oxygen so he didn't stop breathing completely.

He's on constant oxygen right now with his levels being monitored. The nurses have suctioned tons and tons of mucus from his nose and throat. Nothing like standing back and watching your baby scream while they try to help him breathe better! It's heartbreaking! The earliest he'll be released from the hospital is Thursday, it might be longer. He has to keep his levels up and be completely off the oxygen overnight. His diagnosis at the moment is bronchiolitis. We're waiting for the lab results to come back to determine whether or not he officially has RSV or not. Either way that doesn't changed the treatment he receives.

So if you could spare a prayer or two for our sweetie, it would be much appreciated!


mad white woman said...

So scary Lindsay! I'll be sure to remember little Preston in my prayers. Keep us updated.

Maren said...

oh lindsay, i am so sorry. i guess it is a blessing you were at the drs office when you were. im sure it could have turned out worse! you will be in my prayers and for sre keep us posted. is there anything i can do for you right now? watch the kids? dinner to your poor hubby and kids? really, i live so close, i want to help.

Trenda said...

Will do! I hope he gets better soon, for your sake and his! Good luck with everything.

Heather said...

Of course we'll pray for him. I wish you and him the best. I know how hard hospital visits with the kids can be. Especially when they're suffering.

Jenna said...

So scary! We'll keep him in our prayers.

Jessica said...

Oh how overwhelming. How are you doing? RSV is my biggest fear. Luckily Layla hasn't gotten sick yet this season. Knock on wood. I know the doctors tell you to not take them out at all, but it is hard when you have other little ones who can bring the yuckies in. I will definitely keep Preston in my prayers.

Aubrey said...

We sure will. Good luck.

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Oh my goodness! You are all definitely in our prayers. My friends newborn just spent a couple days in the hospital with RSV. I haven't heard of RSV as frequently as I have this winter. Hope he will feel better soon!

Kristin said...

You all will definitely be in our prayers! I am so sorry!

Susan Sorensen said...

Very scary Lindsau! We'll being praying for both of you!

Susan Sorensen said...

I know you're probably wondering who the heck is 'gramma suey'! Sorry - I forgot that that's the name that comes up when I leave a comment. My comments usually are on blogs for mine and Ken's kids! Anyway - it's Susan Sorensen (and Ken). Hoping he's better soon.

skinners said...

i am so sorry about preston! i hope he gets to come home today and that he is healthy and well! is there anything i can do to help - watch gavin, pick up your kids, anything? i know this is a little late, but let me know!

Carrie Anne said...

my baby was JUST diagnosed with the same thing last weekend so we did the treatments here at hime...it's so hard i know!!! i'm so sorry! at least you caught it now so it hopefully won't turn into rsv...he'll turn around...you feed him that good breast milk & he'll be a new baby!!! i hope he comes home today!!! thinking of you..