Daddy with his baby boy
Our wish to come home today did not happen. :( Preston is still on oxygen, albeit only .1L now. They are trying to wean him off slowly. The nurse tried to turn it off again today while he was napping but his levels fell and set off the alarms so she put it back on. The plan is to try him off the O2 again around 4am and see if he can hold his own for 8-12 hours. So now we're looking at Monday, almost one full week since Preston was hospitalized. I'm getting a little stir crazy since I haven't left at all. Kinda hard to do when you're the source of nutrition! ;)
Nights have been rough with a capital R in the sleep department!! I'll get up to feed Preston and he'll only eat for 10 minutes before falling back asleep. When I try to lay him back down, he wakes up and roots around like he's still starving. So I put him back on and he does the same thing. It takes F-O-R-E-V-E-R to get him to fall back to sleep and in the wee hours of the morning, I'm practically asleep standing up next to his crib, holding the binky in his mouth, pleading with him to just close his eyes. I actually cried last night!! Between nurses and the respiratory therapist coming in several times during the night, I'm not getting much quality sleep, but I have been able to squeeze in a nap in the afternoon, which helps immensely.
I now have an eensy weensy glimpse at how rough it must be for parents of children with cancer or other terminal illnesses that require lengthy hospital stays. I can't imagine having to be in the hospital for months and months! My heart goes out to them.
I miss my three other kiddos immensely!! I've never been away from them for this long! I've talked to Brooklyn, Blake and Gavin on the phone at night and my heart breaks that I can't be there to hold them and ask them how their day went. Gavin doesn't quite understand why I'm not home yet, but I love hearing his sweet voice on the phone. :)
Also, I have to give HUGE props to Matt for pulling the load as a single dad these past several days. Getting all three kids up and out the door in the morning is no easy feat! He's doing a great job!! And thank you, THANK YOU to those that have helped watch the kids and brought meals and come to keep me company for a bit. You don't know how much it is appreciated!
My mom came to visit us today, bringing new clean outfits for Preston and treats for mommy! :)
Sorry to hear that things have been so hard lately! Good luck with everything. I feel for you and am praying for you guys too!:)
Wow, that's a long time to be in the hospital. I can't imagine. Hang in there and Preston (and you!) are in my prayers.
Sorry to hear about your little guy. That is so sad and scary. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you get to go home soon:)
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