I'm flat out
SAD Spring Break is over. The week was so busy {the good kind of busy} and flew by so fast.
We kicked things off by welcoming our bestest friends from optometry school, Weston & Jennie Barney and their 3 little girlies, to the great state of Arizona!! :) They stayed from Saturday until Wednesday and we loved every minute of having them here!! The coolest thing is that every time we get together, which isn't that often anymore, we can pick right up where we left off the last time. I'm glad we've remained such good friends even though the distance (600+ miles) keeps us apart.
Sunday, we attended church, enjoyed yummy chimichangas for dinner, then got down to serious business -- playing Cities & Knights of Catan. Back in the California days, we used to stay up waaaaaay late at night, playing this game at each others' apartments after the kids were asleep, using walkie-talkies as baby monitors. It was so nice when we lived just around the corner!

Monday was our busy day. Weston went with Matt to work in the morning for a half day. Jennie and I hauled the kids and all our gear to meet the guys at Tempe Diablo stadium to watch the Angels take on the Dodgers, Spring training style. It was HOT and CROWDED!!! We lasted just a couple hours before packing up and heading home.

Obviously my kids were wiped! Presty is sleeping even though you can't see him. ;)

Matt and Weston made an ice cream run and brought back a variety to enjoy. And enjoy they did!!!

That evening, we had our regular sitter over to watch all seven kiddos while us and the Barneys headed out on the town! We hit up Lucille's BBQ for some grub. There is a Lucille's nearby where we used to live in CA and as soon as we mentioned we had one too, Weston demanded we pay a visit! ;)

Some of us were a little ravenous....

some were a little more sweet!

I'm pretty sure we all rolled out of there several pounds heavier!!!
Tuesday, Jennie and I carved out some girl time for ourselves. I took her to the infamous "ribbon store" aka Ribbons & Lace. I think Jennie was in heaven!! Her overflowing basket proved it. ;)

We grabbed some lunch at Costa Vida, then attempted to go get pedicures, but apparently everyone had the same idea that afternoon and we nixed that after learning it was a 40 minute wait, darn it. :/ We made a quick trip to Target instead then wound up the evening with turkey burgers on the grill, a little Guitar Hero and one final round of Cities & Knights, which I won! Woot, woot!! Weston is one tough cookie to beat!
These pictures are a straight up riot!!! LOL!

Preston got to bathe with this cute girl!! ;)

When we met 5 1/2 years ago (can't believe it's been that long ago!!!), we only had three kids between the two families. Now we have
We're so glad the Barneys made the trek -- 12 hours -- all the way down to see us. We had a fabulous time and can't wait for the next get together!!!!