Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Preston turns TWO!!!

I can't believe my BABY is already TWO years old!!!!!

Fresh out
3 months
6 months
9 months
1 year
18 months
We had Lebaron family pictures scheduled on his actual birthday (Monday), so we celebrated the day before with dinner and a little family party at our house. My parents and sibs all came over, Matt's parents, Mike & Melissa and Derek & Kristin brought their kids.

More Toy Story toys!!! THIS is the item that I nearly didn't get on Black Friday.
I was SO excited to give it to him and he LOVES all the little characters!
What toddler doesn't love a tunnel to crawl through???My parents gave him this wheelie motorcycle. He prefers to ride it. Haha!His "cake," a huge cookie.
We made personal pizzookies for dessert.

Preston is obsessed with Toy Story (particularly Woody) and motorcycles, airplanes, helicopters and garbage trucks. He's so, SO good to let me brush his teeth every night. Preston is a little chatterbox and is constantly talking up a storm. I sometimes forget how young he is because he talks so much! He'll pretty much say anything you ask him to. He knows almost all his colors (struggles a bit with red). Preston LOOOOOOVES his Daddy!!! When he hears that garage door open in the evening, he goes running to greet Daddy! Still likes to be outside just bopping around, riding his little "bike" or trying out one of the kids' scooters. He's a good listener and pretty good eater. Sometimes he shows his toddler independence by refusing certain foods. He loves eggs, berries of any kind, pineapple, chips & guacamole, "mungers" (cucumbers), broccoli (finally!), cheese.
He has been my most, how do I put this gently, BUSY child. A bit naughty, if you will. Anything that can be gotten into, he gets into it. He stands up in shopping carts, he's dug into his own poopy diapers too many times to count. He recently busted the glass in one of the doors of our entertainment center. Surprisingly, he's the only child who hasn't attempted to climb out of his crib by this age!! And he'll probably do it tomorrow since I just jinxed myself. Although he can be a bit of a troublemaker at times, he still is such a sweet boy. I love when he holds my hand while we walk to change his diaper. I love that he knows Star Wars charaters names thanks to his big brothers. I love when he sings "Jesus Wants Me for a SunBEAN." I love that he lists off names of family members (cousins, uncles, aunts). I love that he'll snuggle me. I love my Presty-boy!

Happy Birthday, dear Preston!!


I had been prepping him beforehand that when he turned two, binkies get broken and that big boys don't need binkies anymore. He only had two binkies that stayed in his crib for naptime and nighttime. Of course I was a little nervous that this would completely wreck my good sleeper. I let him have his binks for naptime on his birthday but I snipped the tips off before bed, showed him the binkies, then had him put them in the garbage. Oooooh, he was NOT happy!!! He tried just hanging onto it with his teeth. LOL! I was a little sad to traumatize him like that on his birthday, but he only cried for maybe 10 minutes before going to sleep. Since then, he's taken a little bit longer to fall asleep at naptime, and he still talks about his broken binkies, but I'm surprised that it hasn't really affected him much at all! It was easier than I thought it would be!

~Last night with binkiesA quick suck before chucking them into the garbageWhat??? I want my binkies back!!! Priceless!

{2 yr stats}
weight- 29.7 lbs 71st %ile
height- 35 in 68th %ile
head circ- 20 in 93rd %ile

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