We've been slacker parents and haven't really been on the ball when it comes to teaching lifelong skills to our kids in a timely manner. But my theory is the longer you wait, the quicker they learn! ;) This applies to potty training, shoe tying and bike riding.
Brooklyn and Blake both received big kid bikes
WITHOUT training wheels from Santa Claus this year. Matt had taken the Monday after Christmas off so we figured that would be the perfect time to teach them how to ride. Blake had a bit of an advantage because two years ago, he was successful at
learning how to ride a two-wheeler, we just haven't upgraded bikes and their scooters were so much more fun. Brooklyn has always spazzed at the mere mention of removing her training wheels, then it's too hot during the summer, blah, blah, blah, excuse, excuse, excuse.
We headed to a retention basin in the front of our subdivision (we met up with Derek, Spencer and Andrew, who was also learning to ride his bike) that provided super hills for the kids to practice their balance skills. Both of them did excellent right from the start, although Brooklyn got so nervous if
ANYthing/one came within a 100 mile radius of her while riding. haha!

Off they go!

Preston and Gavin loved being pulled by Daddy in the bike trailer!

The hardest part was teaching how to get themselves going on their own on flat ground, braking and turning. After LOTS of tears and drama from our girly girl, I think it's safe to say that we officially have ourselves two bike riders!

And I know in these pictures, neither has a helmet on but that's because when we went to fetch them (meaning helmets they got as TODDLERS), we quickly found out their heads have grown significantly and sitting on the back porch being baked in the sun results in straps that dissolve into dust at a single touch. Oops! But I assure you that I ran out and bought NEW helmets that day because all of a sudden, I'm a paranoid freak now that my almost-eight-year-old babies are riding bikes in the street all on their own. ;)
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