BUT!! I think Blakey deserves some attention for a sec. :)
Matt had a little over two weeks off when the baby was born so he decided to devote some of that time to teaching Blake how to ride his bike minus the training wheels. We had tried last year, but weren't successful. This time, it took all of about 30 minutes before Blake was riding around like an old pro!!!
Sometimes we fall....
In January, Blake had an opportunity to go shooting with Daddy, his uncles Derek, Mike, & JJ, cousins Andrew & Spencer and Grandpa Palmer. I'll be the first one to admit that guns make me a little nervous. Matt wants our kids to become familiar with guns and how to safely handle them, which I am fine with. Just don't ask me to shoot a gun or I might throw a tantrum! ;) So the dudes went out together and Blake had a great time shooting a gun for the first time. :) No pictures (men!) but I do have another video!While his twin sister had already lost three teeth, Blake's were holding solid as could be. I always thought since they teethed together, they'd lose teeth together, but that hasn't been the case. FINALLY, Blake had a loose tooth. One night, about a month ago, I was brushing his teeth before bed and noticed that the poor tooth was barely hanging on, so I made Matt pull it out. I can't do it. I just can't do it!!! The tooth fairy visited Blake and left 3 gold dollar coins. :) None of his other teeth are wiggly yet.
Blake loves Transformers, playing with his Leapster, riding his scooter and reading books. At his 6 year well check, he weighed a whopping 38 lbs and is 45.25 in tall. The kid eats and eats and eats, but still remains skinny as a bean pole!! Blake is very touchy feely, especially with me if he is sitting anywhere near me. He has been banished to the opposite side of the bench from me at church because he just can't keep his hands off of me!! LOL! Blake loves to be in the kitchen helping out if I am cooking meals or baking. He is as stubborn as can be and everything has to be just so or he can't let it go. Wonder where he gets that from! ;) I love my Blakey!!!
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