Up until two weeks ago, Gavin was still in his crib with the crib tent on top. Although it was starting to get a little ridiculous because he could open the tent and all of a sudden started climbing out again. That crib tent definitely makes my list of top five baby related item must-haves! I was finally to the point that *I* was ok with switching him to a toddler bed (we already had them from B&B). I was so terrified to make the transition with Gavin after the H-E-double-hockeysticks we went through with Brooklyn and Blake, especially with having a new baby. Gavin has always been an excellent nap taker and I was afraid that that would go right out the window once he had complete freedom.
My beansy-boy proved me wrong!!!!!! It's been about as seamless as I could have hoped! There have been one or two missed naps because he doesn't stay in bed and a few nights of all three kids running around like wild animals after we put them in bed for the night, but nothing that I can't handle.

Next item of business, NIX the THUMB!!!! I'm placing an order for
this stuff next week!!
I had (still have) the same issue with Jada. She is SO stubborn about staying in bed. Hopefully the next one will be easier!
I so have a thumb sucker! Let me know if it works. I need to put a stop to it before kindergarten. I know I should do it now, but she still naps and I need that! Hopefully I have another year!
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