I want holidays to be fun a memorable for everyone in the family. I love doing cute things for the kids and husband to make the day special. Welp, I failed miserably yesterday. In my eyes, at least.
Sunday night, I realized that I didn't have any Jell-O to do my traditional heart-shaped jigglers to send in the kids' lunches. Poo.
We woke up later than usual, which resulted in rushing to get the twins out the door for school. No time for pretty pink heart-shaped pancakes.
I got Brooklyn some pink tights with an argyle heart pattern so she could wear those with her uniform on Valentine's Day. She was SO worried that they weren't dress code appropriate and that she would get in trouble for wearing them.
I put heart-shaped notes in Brooklyn and Blake's lunches, only I switched them in my rush. So Brooklyn's said "Happy Valentine's Day BLAKE" and Blake's said "Happy Valentine's Day BROOKLYN."
Midway through the day, my stomach starts to hurt and all I want to do is sleep it off. Preston goes down for a nap and I put cartoons on for Gavin, starting a new one every 30 minutes for 1.5 hours while I try to rest. Not feeling better.
I hurry and get the little goodies I have for the kids all set out so they can find them when they get home from school. They all squeal in delight when they open their cute mailboxes from the dollar section at Target to find little toys, then attack their little heart-shaped boxes of chocolate. (didn't even take a picture. yep, I must be sick.)
More rushing to drop Brooklyn off at dance, come back to gather all baseball gear for the twins' practice. Threaten the boys with their life if they don't get in the car RIGHT NOW, grab Brooklyn from the dance studio and rush over to baseball practice.
Leaving practice at 6pm, I'm still feeling blah, have only eaten a bowl of cereal and an orange all day. Kids beg for Happy Meals for the one millionth time as we drive by the new McDonalds down the road that just opened last Thursday. Maybe I should have though about a dinner plan by now???
Get home, Matt is already home from work, has a beautiful bouquet of roses for me and a single rose for Brooklyn. Such a sweetie. 'What are we going to do for dinner?' I ask. The kids want to go to McDs. I'm not eating anything. Whole family loads into the car, pick up dinner from the McDonalds drive thru. I end up getting a smoothie and regret eating a couple French fries.
Matt drops me off to the grocery store so I can get a few things needed for my preschool activites and snack today. Everyone eats in the car while I'm in the store. Got Saltine crackers to help settle my stomach and also lithium ion batteries for Blake's new
Potty Pager. Get a movie from Redbox, hoping maybe we can salvage our night.
Find $10 in the street on my way out to the car and without question, pick it up, walk back into the store and take it to the customer service desk. Lady is shocked and thanks me for being honest.
March the kids upstairs, spend waaaay too long on the bedtime routine that escapes the childrens' minds every night, even though it's the same EVERY NIGHT.
Come downstairs and realize that Blake needs his Star Student poster done because it should've already gone to school with him yesterday. Spend probably an hour on the computer, trying to find pictures to put on said poster. Matt watches tv in the other room. Can you just feel the love?
I finally emerge from the office and he starts the movie at 9:30pm while I work on the poster. At 10:45, I announce that I'm going upstairs to bed. Matt comes up sometime later, I have no idea when. Maybe 2am?
Romantic as heck, huh?!?? Don't be jealous.
I kept apologizing to Matt that I was such a lame wife and lover today. He kept assuring me that it was no big deal. But to me, it was. I wanted to go above and beyond to show him that I love him. But there was no heart-attacking his car, or leaving secret love notes that he'd find randomly throughout the day, or awesome dinner on the table when he walked in the door, sugar cookies to decorate, or chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. (sidenote: I find it kinda ironic that chocolate covered strawberries are such a Valentine's "thing" yet strawberries aren't even in season???) Good thing we get to redeem ourselves sans kids in two weeks! I hope Matt really does know how much I love him. Because I do. A lot.
Apparently Brooklyn felt the love because she thanked Heavenly Father for such a good Valentine's Day in her bedtime prayer! LOL!