Tuesday, I went with a RAINBOW theme. This was super duper fun!!! I started off reading What Makes a Rainbow? to the kids.

We worked on writing the letter R
Then we got down to business and started on part of our snack for the day! RAINBOW cake! The kids were just dying over this! Each kid (6, Preston got to fill in for an absent Kimberly) got a cup of batter and we colored the batter accordingly. Good lesson for primary and secondary colors, which we talked about as we mixed. Then each kid took their turn pouring the batter into the cake pans.

While the cake was baking, I sent the kids outside for recess, which included coloring with rainbow sidewalk chalk.
When they came inside, we had the other part of our snack, a rainbow of fruit!! Strawberry, orange, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries and grapes!!
and these CUTE rainbow streamers

Then came the best part, the part everyone was looking forward to...
EATING our RAINBOW cake! Yum!! How fun is that?!?
Today, we talked about RABBITS. I was kinda wishing I knew someone in real life that owned a bunny we could have played with. :/ But since I was planning my lesson kinda last minute, I didn't have time for that, darn. Anyhow, to start things off, I read the famous Aesop fable, The Tortoise and the Hare. (I know, technicalities...)EATING our RAINBOW cake! Yum!! How fun is that?!?
Time for outside play! We did a few RACES, just like the tortoise and the "RABBIT." First, the kids had to balance a cotton ball on a spoon. If they dropped it, they had to go back to the start. We did this one several times. A huge hit!
That wore them right out, so we headed inside for drink & snack. This time, we had Rice cakes, Raspberries, Raisins and carrots (think RABBIT) dipped in Ranch dressing. :) Quite the eclectic mix, but everyone devoured the yummies and asked for seconds!
The thing that had me cracking up today was their conversations over our craft. The girls were totally scheduling playdates with each other and each was claiming everyone as their "friend." I'm so glad that they've been able to bond with each other and get to know one another a little bit better. Gavin and Carson, the only two boys in the group, are pretty good buds!
I seriously LOVE that cake! I'm gonna have to do that with my kids... and soon! And I adore all of the 'Rabbit' things that you did. Too fun, I tell ya! So... what do you have planned for the letter... you just had R so... s,t,u,v,w... 'X'? Could it be 'X-men' or 'X-ray fish', or Xylophone's that come into play? Can't wait for that post! Good luck!
i wish i could've come to your class it looked SO fun!!!
I wish my kid(s) could come to your house!! I love the cake idea too!
Once again, you're awesome! You are going to be the fun mom that all your kids' friends like. Me? Not so much. Ha ha.
I can't believe Brookly and Blake are 8. Wow! Oh, and that story of the undershirt is hilariou. And I'm just also noticing Matt's white flip flops. Ha ha.
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