Saturday, February 5, 2011


Eight years ago today, I became a mother twice over.
Look at what my little bundles of pink and blue have grown into!!!
The birthday celebration started a little early because Daddy was going to be out of town on their actual birthday, so we did gifts on Thursday night.

Brooklyn had some pretty good surprised faces!! Opening Zoobles here... they are kinda the girl equivalent of Bakugan
Babysitting Mama game for the Wii
Blake following in his grandpa Hamilton's gift-guessing technique by holding it up to your forehead.... accompanied by weird faces and bizarre hand signs. It's a 2nd grade thing.
He's been begging for this! I was giddy for him to open it! And he approves!Blake educating me on Pokemon characters
Friday, I brought lunch to the kids at school (Burger King, their choice). I had no idea how fast and furious that all goes down!! They scarfed their food SO fast so they could get out to the playground! I think I was there for 30 minutes.... maybe?Saturday, on their birthday, I took Brooklyn, Blake and Gavin to the dollar theater to see Megamind. They got phone calls all day long from family members who love them! Blake isn't a phone talker and one time when I handed him the phone, he politely said to me, "No thanks!" Haha! I made him talk anyway. ;) I made spaghetti for dinner, then the kids and I had cake and ice cream afterward.
Brooklyn can be a little bossy towards Blake sometimes and boy can they fight like cats and dogs!!!! But they do really love each other and I'm so glad they were sent here together. ♥ ♥Feb 2003 - 8 days old

July 2003 - 5 months old

Feb 2005 - 2 yrs old

Feb 2005 - 2 yrs old

March 2007 - 4 yrs old

August 2008 - 5 yrs old

August 2010 - 7 yrs old

February 2011 - 8 yrs old

(cha cha cha! ooh la la! hiiii-yah! OOH cha!)

{8 yr stats}
weight- 50 lbs 22nd%ile
height- 50 in 46th %ile

weight- 46 lbs 6th %ile
height- 48.75 in 23 %ile

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