Saturday, November 10, 2012

Creepy Critters

This is the CrAZieST~ thing!!!  Several times in the past couple months, I have found LIZARDS *IN* my house!!!  These guys are all over the place outside.  We frequently see them scampering across our back porch or doing "push-ups" on the block fence.  We've seen some practically the size of Gila monsters and others soooooo teeny tiny!

Anywho, somehow, they've been making their way into the house.  I suspect it's through crevices in the sliding glass door out to the back.  The first time I saw one, it was up on the STOVE and I literally screamed out loud!  I whimpered the whole time I was trying to catch it!  I think they must like to come into the cool of the house.  And when their body temp gets cooler, they slow down and aren't as skittish because it's been easier to catch the last few.  I'm practically a pro by now!  Preston thinks I'm the best mom ever because I let him keep them in an old peanut butter jar until everyone gets home from school and work, then we let them go back outside.  He has even named them: Eartha(girl), Rocky(boy), Scales... haha!

We've also seen another scorpion since the one that stung Brooklyn back a month or so ago.  I guess they like to make their appearance when Matt isn't home!  I hate having to be the one to kill these nasty suckers!

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